Anjani's Indoor Photo Session


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Anjani's Indoor Photo Session

Hello and welcome all Hivers,
How are you guys? I hope you all are doing fine.
Today I prepared some pictures of an indoor photo session with Anjani.

Anjani is currently living here in Suriname.
As for her study she went abroad to the US and came back after finishing it with great success. She met me at a party of some of her family member and started talking.
When she got the pictures of that party she was so happy and without any doubt she contacted me as soon there was something at their home.

This day was actually a party at theirs, but she wanted an indoor photo session special for her. So she also suggested inside at this sofa to do the photo shoot.
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I know the background isn't something I would want.
But the photography rule is simple: as long the client is happy, the photos are excellent 🤣
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We did some shots solo and then with her husband, but those i'm leaving for another post as the focus for today is Anjani.

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What do you think about the photos?
Do you have any tips or suggestions? let me know.

I hope that all of you have a great start to the week.
See you again soon...

With love,
Prasant Djewan
