23-02-2024 - Physics - Radiative shields [EN]-[IT]


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23-02-2024 - Physics - Radiative shields [EN]-[IT]

Basic concepts
In thermodynamics there are many basic concepts, such as its laws and the various nuances of thermodynamic laws that exist for both closed and open systems.
A broad topic of thermodynamics is that dedicated to refrigerators and heat pumps.
In general we remember that the efficiency of a thermal machine is the ratio between the work produced by the machine and the heat removed from the source at a higher temperature, which would be the heat absorbed by the system.
Since the work is always less than the heat absorbed, the efficiency will always be less than 1.
Below is the formula that expresses the performance of a thermal machine.


In thermodynamics the concept of refrigerator and heat pump are important concepts and the difference is as follows.
The refrigerator is a system in which the SET temperature is controlled, the heat pump is a system in which the SETB temperature is controlled (see diagram below)


In the context of the refrigerator, it is worth remembering that the refrigerator's effect coefficient εf is the ratio between the thermal energy removed from the heat reservoir at a lower temperature with the work L on the mechanical energy supplied.

Radiative shields

Radiative screens are used when losses of radiant thermal energy need to be generated or to have the opposite effect.


Let's assume that the two parallel flat surfaces are gray and have the same emittance ε
With the subscript 2 we can indicate that we are analyzing a screen made up of two surfaces.
At this point we will have the following equation.


By adding another screen with the same characteristics as the other two already present in our system we can write the new energy balance.


taking into account various transformations and elaborations of this formula we obtain the following mathematical description.


From the formula above we can deduce that a three-surface radiative screen allows an exchange of radiant thermal energy equal to half of that allowed by the two-surface screen.
If we wanted to reproduce the same formula for n surfaces, we can rewrite it like this (the variations compared to the formula marked above are in blue):


Radiative screens are used when we want to encourage the loss of radiant thermal energy, or when we want to obtain the opposite effect, i.e. when we want to avoid loss of radiant thermal energy.

These considerations make me understand how important shielding is in certain buildings mainly made up of windowed surfaces or dispersing surfaces. Do you also think that to reduce energy dispersion it would be a good idea to create physical shielding even in already constructed buildings?

23-02-2024 - Fisica - Schermi radiativi [EN]-[IT]

Concetti base
Nella termodinamica i concetti base sono molti, come le sue leggi e le varie sfumature delle leggi termodinamiche che esistono sia per sistemi chiusi che aperti.
Un ampio argomento della termodinamica è quello dedicato ai frigoriferi e pompe di calore.
In generale ricordiamo che il rendimento di una macchina termica è il rapporto tra il lavoro prodotto dalla macchina ed il calore sottratto alla sorgente a temperatura maggiore, che sarebbe il calore assorbito dal sistema.
Siccome il lavoro è sempre minore del calore assorbito, il rendimento sarà sempre minore di 1.
Qui di seguito la formula che esprime il rendimento di una macchina termica.


In termodinamica il concetto di frigorifero e pompa di calore sono concetti importanti e la differenza è la seguente.
Il frigorifero è un sistema in cui viene controllata la temperatura SET, la pompa di calore è un sistema in cui è controllata la temperatura SETB (vedi schema qui sotto)


Nell'ambito del frigorifero è bene ricordare che il coefficiente di effetto del frigorifero εf è il rapporto tra l'energia termica sottratta al serbatoio termico a temperatura inferiore con il lavoro L sull'energia meccanica fornita.

Schermi radiativi

Gli schermi radiativi si usano quando si devono generare delle perdite di energia termica raggiante oppure per avere l’effetto opposto.


Poniamo il fatto che le due superfici piane parallele siano grigie e di uguale emittanza ε
Con il pedice 2 possiamo indicare che stiamo analizzando uno schermo costituito da due superfici.
A questo punto avremo la seguente equazione.


Andando ad aggiungere un altro schermo con le stesse caratteristiche degli altri due già presenti nel nostro sistema possiamo scrivere il nuovo bilancio di energia.


tenendo conto di varie trasformazioni ed elaborazioni di questa formula otteniamo la seguente descrizione matematica.


Dalla formula sopra possiamo dedurre che uno schermo radiativo a tre superfici consente uno scambio di energia termica raggiante pari alla metà di quello che consente lo schermo a due superfici.
Se volessimo riprodurre la stessa formula per n superfici, possiamo riscriverla così (in blu le variazioni rispetto alla formula segnata sopra):


Gli schermi radiativi si usano quando si vuole favorire la perdita di energia termica raggiante, oppure quando vogliamo ottenere l’effetto contrario, cioè quando vogliamo evitare perdita di energia termica raggiante.

Queste considerazioni mi fanno capire quanto sia importante la schermatura in certi edifici principalmente costituiti da superfici finestrate o superfici disperdenti, anche voi pensate che per ridurre la dispersione di energia sarebbe bene creare schermature fisiche anche negli edifici già costruiti?


80.960 STEM


Thanks for this interesting thermodynamics lesson on radiative shields and how they are used to encourage energy loss or to retain energy. Have a great weekend.

1.720 STEM

Dear @aloysiusmbaba Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your kind words. Today these thermodynamic studies are widely applied in the study of homes that no longer have to waste energy. In this article I try to explain the use of radiative screens. These are used either when you want to encourage losses of radiant thermal energy or just the opposite when you want to avoid similar losses. And as we said before, avoiding losing heat in homes during the winter is very important today.

0.000 STEM

I think this particular topic is relayed to physic wave right. I was so much able to learn a lot from this

1.726 STEM

Thanks for stopping by. Radiative shields are another nice topic in thermodynamics that adds complexity to thermodynamic studies. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing about this article is the following.

What can be said based on the following report referring to radiative screens
From this relationship we can deduce that an n-surface radiative screen allows an exchange of radiant thermal energy equal to 1/n of that allowed by the two-surface screen.

0.000 STEM

Why is physics all about heat?
Or because we’re still on the aspect of thermodynamics

0.194 STEM

Unfortunately I didn't specify it and I made a huge mistake. I'm actually talking about physics, but only in the branch of thermodynamics... It's as you wrote... I'm talking thinking about the study of thermodynamic systems. I wrote a lot in this post, but in the end I didn't specify it

0.000 STEM

So much to learn from this topic. Even though I have once been taught before, I still learnt a lot from it

0.198 STEM

Thank you @biyimi for leaving a comment and thank you for your kind words. Below I report what I consider to be one of the most important concepts expressed in this article.
Looking at the following relationship:


It can be seen that a three-surface radiative screen allows an exchange of radiant thermal energy equal to half that of a two-surface screen.

0.000 STEM