Changing of the Tides: A World Upside Down

The apparent questions of the day cloud my busy mind at night. They give way to the promise of tomorrow's first light. The hidden questions of the night don't dare to block the light of the moon. With the rising dawn, the day makes room.

A time is passing in our world today. The time of human kind seems to be quickly slipping away. Quick to us mortal beings upon an Earth once diverse and bountiful which is now encumbered by our populations and dying slow.

Little do most know that this is the way it has been for many generations for as long as the sun has shone and we have been given life from the sea.

Which days pass and which ones stay? Our collective mind's labyrinth is but one loop run on delay.

No wicked games or fallacy, but a diviner's delight. The Salvia's sage wisdom calling out to a land, which is calling out for its' sacrificial lamb.

So many generations past since the last rising tides, but no real memory or the how they arrived.

Questions and quandary, like yesterday's laundry have been left on the line to dry, only to bow off and be buried by the sands of time.

What magic, what wonder, what light will come now? As I sit and I ponder, I can't help but be proud. Not of myself or of my accomplishments, but for the innovation and creation of my fellow man. To my fellow beings on this Earth, there's only one thing I'm sure and that's that there's only so much that this planet will endure.

We, as a species, as spectacular as we are, will be faced with challenges, both near and far. This is not to say that we will face the fear of destruction as we explore outer space, but be faced by the challenges of a challenging race.

This race will not be against time, for that is relative to existence; that race will be fought against humanity's enduring persistence.

The ego of humanity and all of its' vanity must first be eroded before our truth worth may be decoded. One mind. One body. Infinite consciousness. Zero ego. Much bliss.

The tides of humanity are rising with the tides of the oceans, while falling is the commitment of their devotions. Too many minds and not enough substance, which only leads to undeniable reluctance.

What life will we live when the world capsizes and the world, upturned, finally realizes? Will heads once buried in the sand finally see the wonder that is our emerging reality?

A world once upright may soon turn upside down, turned inside out by the boiling tides of a molten metal core on the space ship from which we arrived on this planetary ride.

Divergent poles of one life giving star have far reaching impact to planets near and far. In a cosmic orbit of epic proportions, we're here for the ride and there are no abortions. Here on this Earth, this planetary vessel, we ride the tidal wave of forces with which our comprehensions wrestle.

In universe that seems infinitely diverse, there is no reverse- at least, not in the traditional sense of the word. Quantum mechanics to us humans who only recently invented lumins, may be a tad out of the scope of our natural understanding. That being said, with the scientists heart and philosopher's head, there's a chance to glimpse a map of the constellations overhead. Intertwined in intricacy, with complex relations, their individual gravities are like their own constellations.

One star is what? One ball of gas? Nay. Tis' many particles comprised of its' ever evolving mass. If folding and churning and pushing and pulling requires strong forces of nature to nurture its' growth, than to what kind of gravity is it a host? To this end, I may have many more questions that answers, but this is no book of the dead and I am no necromancer.

While there may be much to learn on my part, of a universe which is said to be expanding, slowly falls apart. To what end? If our planet is any indication and given the interaction of our galaxy and its' constellations; If I was to pose a guess to the question, I'd say that the universe is rapidly expanding and contracting in every direction. Infinite dimensional potential would most likely indicate losses and gains to be substantial, yet inconsequential.

If gravity is to be thought of as a form of electron interaction instead of a force of celestial attraction due to mass, what then would be the consequence of opposing forces as they pass? Thinking of the universe at large only stands to dwarf solar systems and galaxies to electrons instead of stars. If we project even further to our point of understanding, and further shrink our ego to attain greater understanding; If we look at our universe in the truth of its' scale, are we significant at all, or a forgotten legend told that's millennia old of two worlds colliding and just swinging back round to tell the tale?

It seems clear to me that the signs that I see that the changing of the tides is nigh. Never more has the raven cawed, ever more as it was knocking; change is knocking at the world's door. Forever more.

Although these thoughts come with intention, their musings are mostly invention created by a mind of limited comprehension to truly express and explain my thoughts within this physical dimension.

Much love, awesome humans. Stay kind to one another and stay well.

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Hi @soulbasis, really enjoyed all your writing, so many questions we mere humans ask and so much to learn about the multi layered universes.


Thanks so much. I enjoy letting my mind wander on things and aging questions that I may never be able to answer.
