Multiverse Theory: The Mind-Bending Idea That'll Blow Your Cosmic Socks Off


Greetings to MES Science community,

I'm a young writer who goes by the name @skyehi on Hive and I'm a science enthusiasts.

I'm happy to be part of this science based community and for my very first post here I'll be sharing briefly on what I perceive to be one of the most intriguing and interesting theory in science ; "The Multiverse Theory".

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Before I start off my blog I'll just say that for this blog there's really no need for fancy words here, just good ol' cosmic wonderment.


To properly and effectively explain the Multiverse Theory let's picture our universe as a single thread in an infinite cosmic sweater.

Each thread then represents a whole separate and different universe. Sounds interesting, right? Well, that's the wonderful magic of the Multiverse Theory.

There's also the concept of cosmic inflation which I'll explain briefly for my readers to further understand it's role in the multiverse Theory.

I'm really trying to make it super easy for just about anyone to understand so I'll use another simple analogy

Think of cosmic inflation as something like the popcorn of the universe.

The entire cosmos expands rapidly and as science has proven over the years, the entire cosmos is basically accelerating at its speed of expansion.

Cosmic inflation ends up creating bubble universes within our cosmic popcorn machine.

So each of these bubble universes is different in one way from the other universes having unique and different cosmic rules. You can think of it as a flavor explosion of physics where there's different flavors to each popcorn universe.

Now with this analogy, imagine one bubble universe where the force of gravity is as weak as a bird's feathers, and in another universe, the speed of light is as fast as a cosmic hyper or super car.

So basically the theory says that there's a lot of different universes out there and each universe has it's own different and unique rules or laws of the cosmos.


Now people always have this question to ask about fine-tuning. If the cosmos is as random as we claim then how come there is fine tuning of things in the universe.

By fine tuning we mean everything has been designed perfectly to facilitate or allow for the possibility of life.

When you look and observe our eternal universe, you realize that everything is perfectly well balanced to make it possible for the things we see and experience to even exist in the first place.

The earth tilted perfectly for the right forces to work on it. Our moon is at the perfect distance from the earth. With the force of gravity, even the slightest increment or decrement of its constant could be catastrophic.

Gravity at any point of the universe remains at a constant of 6.67408 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2.

The Multiverse Theory offers an answer to fine tuning as well.

To explain vividly I'll make another analogy

Now imagine you're playing the universe lottery game. we have countless universes out there.
Some of the universes are bound to hit the jackpot of life-friendly conditions (basically a region where we can have carbon lifeform like our Galaxy or solar system).

It's like cosmic gamble, and we happened to be the lucky winners of the whole game.

I'm really grateful that I have the chance to experience life and the eternal universe because trust me guys, the chances of that happening is so so slim it was almost next to impossible.

The reason we're even alive right now is because the probability of being alive had to happen to some set of people and you were part of it. Which is why indeed life truly is a gift.


Now there's also the confusion of Quantum mechanics where theoretically it's believed that there are many worlds, many versions of you and many choices to make.

Have you ever heard of quantum mechanics?

I hope you're not tired of the analogies because here's another one to help explain the concept to everyone.

Quantum mechanics is basically like the universe's dice game. Every quantum event that occurs, is similar to the roll of the dice which ends up creating branching or multiple timelines.

So basically what happens in the theory is that in one universe, you could be a wealthy accomplished celebrity, and in another universe, you're broke, regular and maybe even sick.

Every choice you make spins off a brand new universe. It's what I call the multiverse of choices.


Try to think about the choices you've made, the big and the small choices.

In one universe, you took that job offer and you're still an employee working from 9 to 5 and in another universe, you took the risk to chase your dream of becoming a rock star and you made it.

The Multiverse Theory suggests that every decision you make results into a whole new reality with a unique experience.


So guys there it is, the Multiverse Theory. I hope with the analogies I gave, you fully understood the concept.

The cosmos is basically a rollercoaster of possibilities and different realities.

In summary of the whole blog post

The universe we're in at the moment is just one thread in the full cosmic sweater.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post today. I hope you found it both informative and entertaining. My blogs are usually open for questions or any comments you may have regarding the blog topic.

Have a lovely science day and catch you next time on Mes Science. Goodbye ❤️

You Can Follow Me @skyehi For More Like This And Others


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