One thing Elon Musk Said about Techno


I was going through TikTok and I came across one short video of Elon Musk in an interview.


He made a really profound statement that caught me thinking for a while. He said that technology as some people think if it does not advanced automatically.

Every year and every decade we see new things in science and technology. We see better gadgets, systems and solutions to problems.

These things don't come automatically. There are people working really hard to create new projects, technology and bring about new inventions and discoveries.

People are actually working to make technology progress they way we see it. This is what we need to understand guys.

If people don't work to create new things in the science and tech department, not only will we not see advancements, we will actually see degeneration of the world.

So I would like to say a huge thank you to scientists and tech experts all over the world working hard to bring the new innovations we see.

Keep up the good word and #Godspeed
