[EN/PT-BR] Cybersecurity is no joke!



If we always try to find security for our lives and our families, in reality, this is something that cannot be different when we talk about our electronic security, that is, we must always invest in cyber security as well, a way of protecting ourselves in the world of the internet and everything we access so that our data or the hard-earned money we earn is not stolen through these means by people with bad intentions.

Of course, we don't always succeed either, we are all victims of this or some of our family members who may have gone through it. As I am well versed in technology and work as a programmer, I am always on top of this cybersecurity issue, always trying to protect myself and my family as much as possible, I try to instruct them to never click on anything suspicious or be careful with applications. downloaded onto cell phones or computers.

It turns out that we won't always be able to protect them and eventually something bad happens. One case that happened was with my mother, who had her card details stolen or cloned. I don't know exactly what the action was, what we know was the not pleasant result of discovering one day that she, living in Goiânia, like me, was making purchases in another state and even though she was using her card here in the place where she lives and the difference in time with the use in another state was obviously proof that she couldn't have passed in 2 places like that, it was a struggle to prove that it wasn't her.


Now, how did they get this data? We don't know, our luck is that they were uses of credit, so because they tried to pass high amounts, my mother received calls from the bank asking if it was really her passing these amounts and she always replied that no, that there was no way and that she had already requested blocking the card, that is, the account number and everything else, but the card provider's service was very slow to carry out these blocks. It was more or less a week of calls and running around, trying to block as quickly as possible everything that could make the criminals continue using the card.

In the end, nothing was used improperly, it seems that this theft process was only used on credit, so everything was denied. There were also other cases of the famous scam carried out by WhatsApp, where the criminals pretended to be one of our relatives, saying that they changed numbers and that they needed money for this and that, this one was more dispersed, my father, my aunt and my mother They've called me from time to time asking if I had really changed my number and if I needed money, which I immediately denied and said it was a scam and therefore they had to report and block these numbers.

We must always be vigilant, put 2-step verification on everything possible, change passwords frequently, be careful with strange applications and links, they try to steal from us at all times through cyber sources, malicious programs or websites and everything else, we must be alert and suspicious of everything. With everything I have learned, this is the best tip I can give, always activate everything you can in terms of security, in your logins, emails and applications.




Se vivemos sempre buscando encontrar uma segurança para a nossa vida e nossa família na realidade, isso é algo que não pode ser diferente quando falamos da nossa segurança eletrônica, ou seja, devemos sempre investir em cyber segurança também, uma forma de se proteger no mundo da internet e de tudo o que acessamos para que nossos dados ou o suado dinheiro que conquistamos não seja roubado por essas vias por pessoas mal intencionadas.

Claro que nem sempre conseguimos também, somos todos vítimas disso ou algum familiar nosso que possa ter passado por isso. Por ser bem antenado com tecnologia e trabalhar como programador, estou sempre por dentro desse assunto de segurança cibernética, tentando sempre me proteger o máximo possível e minha família, tento de alguma instruí-los a nunca sair clicando em nada suspeito ou ter cuidado com aplicativos baixados em celulares, ou no computador.

Acontece que nem sempre conseguiremos protegê-los e acaba que uma hora algo ruim acontece sim. Um caso que aconteceu foi com a minha mãe, que teve seus dados de cartão roubados ou clonados. Não sei bem qual foi a ação, o que sabemos foi o resultado nada agradável de descobrir certo dia que ela, morando em Goiânia, assim como eu, estava realizando compras em outro estado e mesmo que ela estivesse utilizando o seu cartão aqui no lugar onde ela mora e a diferença de tempo com o uso em outro estado fosse obviamente uma prova de que ela não poderia ter passado em 2 lugares assim, foi uma luta provar que não foi ela.


Agora, como eles conseguiram estes dados? Não sabemos, a nossa sorte é que foram usos de crédito, então por tentarem passar valores altos, minha mãe recebeu telefonemas do banco perguntando se era ela mesmo passando estes valores e ela respondeu sempre que não, que não tinha como e que já havia solicitado o bloqueio do cartão, ou seja, do número da conta e tudo mais, mas o serviço da prestadora de cartão estava bem lento para realizar esses bloqueio. Foi mais ou menos uma semana de ligações e correria, tentando bloquear o mais rápido possível tudo o que pudesse fazer com que os bandidos continuassem utilizando o cartão.

No fim das contas, nada foi usado indevidamente, ao que parece esse processo de roubo foi usado apenas em crédito, então tudo foi negado. Houve outros casos também do famoso golpe feito pelo WhatsApp, onde os bandidos se passam por um familiar nosso, falando que trocaram de número e que precisam de dinheiro para isso e aquilo, esse já foi mais disperso, meu pai, minha tia e minha mãe já me ligaram vez ou outra perguntando se eu tinha realmente trocado de número e se estava precisando de dinheiro, o que logo neguei e falei que era golpe e assim, tinham que denunciar e bloquear estes números.

Devemos sempre estar atentos, colocar verificação em 2 etapas em tudo o que for possível, mudar as senhas com frequência, ter cuidado com aplicativos e links estranhos, a todo momento tentam nos roubar por meio de fontes cibernéticas, programas ou sites maliciosos e tudo mais, devemos estar alerta e desconfiar de tudo. Com tudo o que tenho aprendido, essa é a melhor dica que posso dar, sempre ativar tudo o que puder em quesito de segurança, em seus login, e-mails e aplicativos.



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These people are always coming up with new means and it is really scary because you think you know this first method and then they appear with a new one


They're always evolving with their scams and that's really scary. We have to be careful with every point, with every action taken on the internet because they are always watching.


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O que não faltam são meios para que a gente fique mais seguros, mas a cada dia que passa, novas formas são inventadas para nos hackear, a engenharia social desses caras são de um nível assutador!


Isso é verdade, é preciso ter cuidado principalmente com a engenharia social que eles fazem, isso é um perigo, ainda mais para pessoas mais desleixadas ou de idade por exemplo.


As in ehn, if you're not serious with cyber security, you'll learn the hard way. With the level that technology has gone to, we need to be more cautious when we're dealing with security matters.


Exactly, just as we worry about our security in life, for example a better house, a quieter neighborhood, a city with less violence, we also have to worry about cyber security, every email we receive, every crazy proposal, all of this can be a flaw that catches us off guard.

And whenever possible, be careful with passwords and activate second-stage verification!



Esses golpes estão cada vez mais comuns e é preciso ficar atendo para não cair, mas imagino que os familiares com mais idade são os mais vulneráveis. Podemos dar conselhos e advertir sobre segurança de dados mas na verdade com os grandes vazamentos de dados que tiveram no Brasil é meio que tarde demais pra todo mundo!



Isso é verdade, infelizmente estamos todos sujeitos a isso, com as big tech tendo os nossos dados roubados e vazados, ninguém está realmente seguro. O que podemos fazer é ter cuidado com todo e qualquer tipo de investida deles, tipo ativando a confirmação de 2 etapas e ainda assim ter cuidado para nao vacilar em algo.


These people have no concern with others' feelings. They have to do this crime. And therefore we must learn about basic steps to avoid these scammers.
And I like your title.


Unfortunately, there are always people who are no good and who are looking for a way to do harm to others, whether in real or electronic life, there are always opportunists. Thank you for your comment and I'm glad you liked my title, thank you very much!


I'm a very experienced person in programming and systems and even with my profile, my YouTube account got hacked once. It seems a PC I bought had a virus on it and when opening my Google accounts on them, the hacker could record my screen in some way and stole my password. Fortunately, he couldn't do much more than spamming my YouTube channel with scam videos. YouTube creator support team is very burocratic for these troubles, but at the end they could recover my account. What I learned from this is that it's never a good idea to buy electronic equipment in dubious stores and that hackers need to deceive users to get information to hack successfully. This is why the most important part of cybersecurity is training staff to handle sensitive data in organizations.


A lot of these data theft problems really come from how they trick the user, so clicking on anything suspicious is a big mistake. Fake news is also used a lot, they are so low that they even use natural tragedies to create fake emails and spam so that people click and think they are helping but are actually being robbed. You can't be too careful!




You have to be paranoid in this world we live in today. That's the one thing I have learned throughout life!


If you take into account that every opportunity to do harm will be used against us, you're right to be paranoid about things, because they come from all sides, every loophole they try to use against you and if you don't keep an eye out, it's gone, they take everything and you don't even notice.

It's a complicated world, we have to be aware of everything.
