RE: Exponential Tech Progress Will Accelerate


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I think there will be people who take it up, especially super-rich people, they'll believe that it gives them an edge or a cachet, like they have cosmetic surgery and their legs broken to make them taller, because that's perceived as more desirable (an improvement?) 😁.

Many people, not just the super-rich, use nootropics, another form of technology, just like people use steroids, speed, ketamine etc.

And we are messing with the genome, apparently to manage or eliminate problematic health conditions, but how soon will you be able to buy the genetic option for your children to have long legs and guaranteed height, rather than have their legs broken later in life? (my answer: sooner than we think).

Capitalism, being what it is and running out of options to ensure its survival through gobbling up the earth's resources, will turn, is turning, to how can we modify and, at the same time, exploit humans and their endless vanity?

Research into the human gut microbiome has been commodified, rather than being freely available and taken up by health services, much to my disappointment and the continued impoverishment of the common wealth, as opposed to those who can pay for it.


Yes, I know some who already put their names on waiting lists, at least verbally, in podcasts. So you are not wrong in the assumption the super-rich will take the chance for the potential edge against the others.

I also saw a few who are more reluctant, at least in the first phase, since it involves brain surgery.

It's interesting that with all this race to become wealthier, we might not know what form will money take maybe a decade or two from now, due to the advancement of AI.
