RE: Cytokine Shake


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Yes I know exactly what I am talking about this is common molecular gene expression experiment technology which I happen to know a lot about..

Transfection is used often but when used normally one would try very hard not to get the chemical agents on or in them, sadly now people are choosing to inject themselves with it because they "trust" the science.🤦‍♂️

How can they trust science when they know nothing about it? Surely those people are the gullible ones? This is pure cult-like behavior sadly and the cult leaders are making billions off the poor souls that choose to "believe" in science rather than understand it and know how harmful it actually is to inject themselves with these experimental gene delivery drugs.

I already explained that these gene delivery drugs can't possibly provide any absolute risk reduction because by injecting them inside you, you are putting your life at risk.

If you are saying my words are gibberish that only proves that you do not have a full grasp of the "science" of these gene delivery drugs.


Ah, yes. You happen to know a lot about this kind of stuff.. because you read memes and shit on the internet?

I am sorry, but you telling people you know a lot about this stuff doesn't win arguments. How do you know? What qualifications do you have? What have you published? What credible sources do you quote? Apart from the Instagram one. I mean I like Instagram, you can see funny pics of goats on it.

But you know "I read it on instagram/youtube etc." Doesnt make you an authority on any of this stuff.

I had no time for anti vaxxers before covid and even less now that the covid nonsense has made anti-vaxxing mainstream.

I mean look at this.

I already explained that these gene delivery drugs can't possibly provide any absolute risk reduction because by injecting them inside you, you are putting your life at risk.

You cannot conflate the risk reduction from a virus to the risk reduction from a vaccine even if it is for the virus in question. They are two separate things. Even though vax and Covid might mean the exact same thing to you. This is basic stuff.

And anyway, this isnt what you said!??!! You compared the RRR to the ARR and now you are just jumping between different things.

Please, I appeal to you. Dont just believe what they tell you. Try to understand the science behind the words what you are saying.

Anyway, goodnight old chap, you have certainly given me a fair old giggle.

Perhaps another day we can talk about the flat earth or something. LOL!


There is 0 risk from covid-19 because the natural virus does not exist.

Covid-19 is nothing more than a common detoxification process from common airborne antigens.

What happened in hospitals was also not caused by a make believe virus it was caused by misdiagnosis and medical malpractice.

The so-called sars cov 2 spike protein is what people are told is what is so harmful so now people are being told to inject themselves with a gene delivery drug that forces their cells to make the sars cov 2 spike proteins.🤦‍♂️

Funny thing is the sars cov 2 virus has never been isolated, and the modified messenger ribonucleic acid used to make the gene delivery drug is based on an artificially sequenced rna sequence..🤦‍♂️

What this means is the gene delivery drug is forcing healthy cells to go through differentiation to become enhanced antibody cells which will start pumping out a genetically modified pathogenic viral spike protein created by a synthetic non natural enzyme.

Billions of your natural cells are being altered with this modified synthetic mRNA enzyme..

This is why there is so much pain and suffering after being injected with the gene delivery drug to those that consent to being in the clinical trials right now that did not receive the placebo.

Also a higher relative risk reduction % means that your risk of getting injured goes up not down.

Absolute risk reduction the higher it is the less likely you are to get hurt and the lower it is the more likely you are to be hurt.

This is how they lie with statistics by confusing the masses..

Like when people die within 28-60 days of having a false pcr positive covid result they are classified as a covid-19 death.

We could say 50,000,000 people die every year within 28-60 days of drinking water.. we would not be stupid enough to class those deaths by drowning or "water death" but this is happening with false positive covid tests.


I read back one of your previous posts. We are all being injected with HIV too? Magic stuff.


The lipid nanoparticles, viral vector particles that are transfected with genetic material "mRNA and DNA" are operating in a way that people would expect a retrovirus like HIV would work..

These gene delivery drugs poison the body by causing mass cell damage (converting healthy cells) into abnormal antibody cells that are polluting the body with trillions of harmful viral spike proteins as the abnormal antibody cells manufacture and pump out trillions of the harmful toxic viral spike proteins that go and infect organ tissue causing inflammation all over the body.

All this protein leakage leads to the autoimmune disorders which would resemble "aids" we are seeing this process take place now.


As I said, gullible.

I think half the problem is that the people who write the nonsense that you quote verbatim don't actually know science.

Learn how to think. Then you can truly be free


As I said, gullible.

I think half the problem is that the people who write the nonsense that you quote verbatim don't actually know science.

Learn how to think. Then you can truly be free


These are my words from my knowledge and understanding my recieved and learned wisdom.

I know exactly what I am talking about and it makes perfect scientific sense.
