Women in STEM: Pioneering Progress and Overcoming Barriers

The influence of the fields that include Science Technology Engineering as well and mathematics are very crucial for the entire structure upon which our society functions and developed as well because everything right from the innovative ideas to the growth that happens in terms of economy as well as the cultural aspect as well completely based on these particular factors because they happen to be one of the most important factors in pushing us to the position that we are standing up on right now from what we used to be in the past.


All of these fields combined are also known as STEM has been one of the particular aspects that is very much recognized and also highly respected because of its enormous involvement in everything that we do on a very daily basis as well as the influential factor that it possesses for the society surface wealth because it is something that is going to be happening to have the biggest se in the way we are going to be having our life in the future as well as all the development that is going to be made to be an influence in one or the other manner by STEM.

One of the particular aspects of our society from very historical times has been about women and their environment in a lot of aspects because in previous times savers used to be treated as some of those people who only had a particular role that they needed to be playing and also going to be restricted from a lot of the specific aspects that live also gets involved in which people use the thing that they are specifically built for men only and therefore can only be done by them and women have no access and entry into those particular works or Industries as well.

But as time passed gender diversity floured quite a lot and equality also stepped up at a really big level today in modern life there is particularly no such difference or discrimination that is been done based on gender and we are also saying a lot of women involved in these particular sectors of STEM. Not only the participation from women and dis particular sector but they have also made significant contributions and the number of representatives from the female community is also rising very rapidly in this particular manner and that has been the case for a long amount of time as well.


Historically there were a lot of such barriers that women needed to cross to get themselves involved in the STEM field because of a lot of factors that involved lack of access to education for women as well as also the business that was present in the society against such basic factor such as gender as well but even then a lot of women broke through these barriers and made their way up into the industry itself and Maiden name for themselves along with a lot of Amazing contributions in this particular field.

Today in the modern world there are a lot of things that are specifically directed and shaped in such a manner that are going to help women in this particular field as there are a lot of such initiatives that are promoting women to join these particular sectors along with the lord of mentorship programs and policy is by governments of different countries as well which are in particular action to deal with this particular scenario along with providing resources to be supporting Women to get themselves started if they are interested in STEM careers.

There are a lot of problems and issues that are faced by women in these particular Industries because one of the basic aspects is the stereotype that women are not supposed to be working and this tender buyer somewhere exists at least a fraction of a percentage for sure and that hinders the level of opportunities that women could have got along with that the culture in the workplace is also something that is not that welcoming for women and women can be facing harassment which is a really big problem that modern world is dealing with as well.


Apart from that maintaining a significant balance between work and personal life is very hard for women because women are the people who have been the people who are responsible for everything right from home and everything that is involved with those family responsibilities and that has been the way society has structured itself, however maintaining a balance between work and life is something that is a significant commitment and needs a lot of effort to be getting that in the manner it is needed to be developed in.

The upcoming few years as well as the future in an overall perspective for women in this particular field is very bright because the amount of awareness that is about all of this kind of particular aspects even for women is increasing exponentially and society is also progressing quite a lot and the things that are being supported for women to enter the speed is also an normal so all in all the opportunities that women are going to be having to be a part of STEM field is going to be used in the future along with the fact that they are also going to be having the basic support as well as the things that they required in the best possible manner to be a part of STEM.


The journey for women in STEM has not been easy because there were a lot of barriers that they needed to face and overcome to become a part of STEM itself apart from the amazing contributions that they have made as well as the achievements that they have produced is amazing to be hot of because there has been a lot that has in the previous few decision but surely there is still a lot of work that is needed to be done because not just equality but there are a lot of other factors that women to be facing a lot of problems before entering this particular field and also be continuously giving efforts in the work that they are supposed to be getting involved in.

All in all the problems that women face are be not resting well and there are a lot of things that are specially done to support women in this field which is also showing significant response as well because of the increase in representation from the side of women in the spectacle of fields has been noticed and this has also contributed to the overall development of a lot of fields which involve technological innovation as well as the improved human health care system as well because we have seen a lot of notable achievements that have been done by women in the past few decades for sure.

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Thanks a lot guys


You're on a quest for greatness @sayu907, and we have no doubt that you'll reach your new target soon!


Women are now paving ways in career aspects, though we have some challenges in STEM but things are getting better


Indeed we have seen increased participation from women in almost every field and the entire aspect of women being involved is surely getting improved quite a lot.
