Albert Einstein : Some facts !!!

May be the most known scientist to the world, he is Albert Einstein. A person who made many inventions and made a lot of research on math and science.

He was born on 14 March 1879 and died on 18 April 1955 in Germany into a Jewish family. So in a span of 76 years he achieved a lot and gifted many thing to the man kind.

He was different from all in the childhood as the way he was looking at things was very different with a very analytical mind. His teachers and family could never understood him in his early life , rather thought there was something wrong with him.

He was working part time during studies for some extra buck, this shows his dedication for studies.

The most famous equations ever E = mc² (energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared) was given by him. Its one of the very fundamental of physics.

For his work in the field of physics, in 1921, he was awarded Nobel Prize.

Albert Einstein also loved music and he had many quotes, that people still use today. You can read some of his quotes here.
