The Marriage Of Blockchain & AI

An Unparalleled Union

Two of the greatest technological advancements over the past two decades have been blockchain and AI. In isolation, each is powerful and effective in its own right. However, the combination and fine-tuning of these two technologies, and significant progress is initiated. Many believe that the technological age has in many instances peaked. However, I believe that these two specific sectors are going to propel technological advancement to a whole new level.

The pre-programmable nature of AI remains a potential threat. It can already be seen in Big Tech AI models. However, I am referring to alternative expressions of AI, outside of what many consider the primary form of AI. This includes business and various other data processing systems. When the immutable nature of blockchain, together with its seamless interactive capabilities are combined with AI’s “computing power” technological capabilities expand exponentially.

This is where I believe the next chapter in technological advancement lies. What makes this particular chapter so exciting are its endless possibilities. It’s a level of technology that is relatively unexplored. Not only that, but it can also create new economic realities. I have often mentioned that I believe the current income model is in its final stages. By this, I am referring to the exchange of work/time for financial remuneration.

AI Plays An Enormous Role

AI is and will play an ever-increasing role in this transition. What we have are two relatively new and powerful technological expressions that are in many ways almost limitless. The potential these two technologies hold is incredible… and even more so, is their united potential. AI is still being incorporated in rather insignificant ways. As this matures regarding its integration, so will the new income model.

It’s difficult for those deeply immersed in the current economic systems and models to accept and understand such an outlook. However, the future doesn’t require your approval to continue its journey and manifestation. This has been clearly displayed in what has transpired in Cryptocurrency over the last decade. The most powerful voices in finance who once dismissed Crypto are now the voices affirming it.

This is the power of the future. Nobody gets to stop it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it will come. It may appear to delay at times but that is not indicative of failure, but rather maturation and development. A complete transition will require decades. Let’s not fool ourselves, this is not an overnight adjustment. However, it has begun, even if ever so modestly. In terms of Crypto, as an isolated technology, it is gaining traction.

When you peruse the list of speakers at the recent Bitcoin 2024 Conference you will see what I am saying. It appears to be a political conference more than a Bitcoin conference. Some of the most powerful individuals on the planet are present and speaking in favor of Bitcoin and Crypto. This level of backing speaks of a future acceleration regarding adoption, incorporation, and universal utility.

Final Thoughts

Things are now beginning to accelerate and change is inevitable. There will be resistance, there will be hurdles. However, these technologies are now advancing and when they marry their abilities and contributions, economic constructs will be reshaped. Furthermore, you cannot restructure economic models without societal restructuring. After all, the current model is largely reliant upon societal contribution.

This is where the change will lie, so a complete societal restructuring is the obvious outcome of a new economic model. Many consider such an outcome outlandish, only found in science fiction novels. However, if I told you a year ago that Trump would be the keynote speaker at Bitcoin 2024 you would have laughed at the idea. The age of intelligence has arrived…


First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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