Importance of environmental education for today's world

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Environmental education goes beyond seeking in us an education that helps us to understand the importance of environmental preservation, it also helps us to broaden our horizon of knowledge, since environmental education is a field that encompasses several disciplines, the important thing for us teachers of environmental education is not to lose the horizon of a teaching focused on generating knowledge that is supported and have as a primary basis the environmental practices.

It is a pity that in my country Venezuela there is an economic situation that limits this practice, but if it were not so, I assure you that I would be a pioneer in carrying out field practices with my students, where I would take them on trips to different natural environments, with the purpose that these spaces work to promote an ecological conscience in my students and that they in turn can be multipliers of this teaching.

It is important that the importance of environmental education has the power to break paradigms, where there is room for different approaches, and that they are all attached to the diverse historical and social contexts of each region, since it is not the same to expand environmental education where the predominant space is a jungle, or to have to teach a geographical and natural context dominated by mountains.

Environmental education in its expansionist search must consider the natural environment as detached from that reality that involves society as a whole, logically as to set aside the existing resources in such natural environments, which in turn move an economy that must be studied and evaluated within a context of contemporary environmental education.

In conclusion, environmental education generates awareness in life practices to preserve our ecosystems and natural habitats, but also involves other areas of knowledge that help to expand our knowledge in general while forming an integral being that takes into consideration the environment and its nature in relation to everything he does.
