My Time with Unthankful girlfriend pt 1

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In all my lifetime on earth, I have been so sad like the boy in this opening picture. Truly, sadness is an emotion and humans including me was created to show emotions and feeling depending on situations externally and internally.

In my situation, I believed that it is not exceptional and special because many of you will concur with this events. Being with unthankful gender can be a havoc and funny when you grow over it. I loved her so much and I taught that I know her for life. Is that a mistake? Absolutely No! But what went wrong? Lets explore the events empirically.

It was not love at first sight. I have been with her but in the group of other people on many occassions. She is very lovely and industrious. Her maturity is showed by how she behaves and talks. I was glued to her and lustly look at her on such occasions. I asked myself what is still holding me, not to talk to her so that wee will start knowing each other.

Honestly, she was on my mind and I will never hurt her feelings. I became a private invilgator, watching her with keen interest and ask others' their opinion about my secret lover. All indices was right and I told myself. This is now the time!

I met her personally, pour my heart to her and she just laugh over it and gave me answer right way so easily on what that took my months to muster courage to approach her. We exchange numbers and she said that let give ourselves a try. A try? Very good to me. I was already smiling to myself as if I won the world cup. I bought drinks for my friends and they did not know the reason for the party.

Gradually, I became a frequent caller and stay all night on my lonely bed with phone on my ear connected to my girl at other side. We talked about everything and those things seem right. She is an angel.

Soon, she start making demands cunningly. She will narrate how men take good care of their ladies. I wanted to be counted among those good men. Not knowing that it is a fabricated stories. I became her "money bag" And spent so much daily. She keep making more demands and does not spend time with me.

Everyone on my side loved her. She is very graciful and beautiful. She is as gentle and innocent as dove but evil minded. We met once again at my friend place. She rebuke and ridicule me for inviting her over. She said that short men like my friend can never be her spec. My friend was castigating her too and I became the middleman but very naive and stupid. Later, I found out they are actually dating, right before we started our thing. She was all over him and myself become driver.

Actually, she was not thankful and never respect me. She sleeps around with claim that she is visiting her friends, brothers and relative. So unfaithful and deceiving. She was interested on money and nothing else. She is nicknamed money because she wants money all the time. Does not care about me and I was played.

Stay tune for episome _


Reality but funny at the same time. So you became her hush puppy. Congratulations you were able to detect the truth on time before it’s too late.

Humans can be so evil in their ways. I wonder why she would be so calm despite all she has been doing. Most times I see ladies who have gone wild trying to anchor and get married with men who are honest. And vice versa. Why don’t the wild ones marry eachother and the innocent once have a happy life together.


Who does that maths? The formula between the wild ones and cool headed ones. I can't decode but its happens and usually fell apart because its not geniune.
