Animated and Non-animated Holozing Fanart :Flaming and colorful Chirple and Chirpily Lineart


A warm greeting and shout out to all @Holozing and @zing lovers . Bravo and kudos to everyone for the game development, character development and the effort put out to keep improving the game .

The amazing game characters are really a source of inspiration on fanart creation . Looking forward to the next new character to hit the screens.

Yeah, so this time, I decided to create a reinterpretative Fan art of the colorful holozing character known as Chirpilly and of course like you have seen, I gave it some flames.

I love lineart so like I mostly do, I reinterpreted this character using colorful lines, then went ahead to do some animation of the character.

The process will be displayed below, but first 👇

The exhibition 👇

Animated Chirpilly Fanart

Like in my previous woolio fanart, GIF quality had to be reduced as the size was too much to upload directly


Process breakdown

Using Medibang and Photoshop


Thanks for viewing, hope you love the Fanart ? I would really appreciate your feedbacks and comments 👋
