A vision Problem associated with Screens- My thoughts


Okay, a couple of days ago I was scrolling through posts when I stumbled upon a blog post right here in @stemsocial that once again enlightened me to my very core I must say! It's by none other than the illustrious @ngobaby, and it delves into a modern-day affliction that plagues us all, yeah the Computer Vision Syndrome, or as I would like to call it, the "Digital Eye Strain Spectacle"! see what I did there, okay back on track.

Now, I must admit, when I first encountered this blog post, I thought to myself, "Oh, it's just another one of those articles about eye strain from staring at screens." But little did I know, my friends, that I was about to be taken on a rollercoaster ride of ocular discomfort and ergonomic enlightenment!


@ngobaby starts with a bang, introducing us to the ominous-sounding Computer Vision Syndrome, a name that makes it sound like something out of a sci-fi movie.

She went ahead to state that CVS is not a specific medical condition, but it's like the annoying sidekick that tags along with our digital devices. It's the sidekick that never shuts up about eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and the list goes on!

And just when I thought I had heard it all, She unleashes a barrage of symptoms that could manifest, as if they were channeling the ghosts of hypochondriacs past! Blurry vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain – it's like they're describing the aftermath of a wild all-night out, except this time, the culprit is binging on Netflix, not alcohol!

But wait, there's more! @ngobaby tells us that some folks might even experience double vision, color distortion, and burning eyes.
Now, I must say, She does give us some tips on prevention and management. She suggested the "20-20-20 Rule," which sounds like a secret code for screen addicts. And then there's the talk of ergonomics, which is the science of making you feel guilty about your chair and desk height.

But the real gem in this treasure trove of advice is the recommendation to use artificial tears. Yes, you heard me right – artificial tears. It's like they're saying, "Don't worry about your crying heart; just make sure your eyes are well-lubricated!"

And if that's not enough, we're told to consult with an eye care professional. Because when it comes to your eyes, nothing says "I care" like a visit to a white-coated individual who'll peer deep into your soul... I mean, your retinas.

But here's the real kicker – there are tips for setting up your computer! Who knew that adjusting the screen tilt by 10-20 degrees could save us from the clutches of CVS? It's like being thought the ancient art of screen-fu, where the screen becomes an extension of your body.

So, in conclusion, my dear friends, if you ever find yourself in the midst of a CVS-induced crisis, remember that @ngobaby with her blog post has armed us with the knowledge to battle this digital-age affliction. Now, go forth, tilt your screens, blink consciously, and may your eyes forever be free from the tyranny of digital screens!

Thanks for reading, let me know if this has made you laugh even if its in the slightest way, as much as it has enlightened you, Sayonara ✋



Interesting! By the way, please fix this title, too.


Also corrected, @eniolw thank you. This one is actually a mistake on my path


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