An Unsung hero of the fruit kingdom; deserves more credit in my book


Hello 👋

If you reading this, well count yourself lucky for an enlightenment which of course will leave you not the same.

So here I am, craving for some watermelon.I got myself one, divided in half with a knife that was definitely too sharp for it purpose, talk about over kill.

Munching down on this succulent watery flavour, I realised I knew nothing about the specific health benefit this fruit had to offer other than the fact that it was sweet, watery and red. I knew it contained some vitamins and minerals, but which one exactly. It was time to make some fimding and making some finding I did. And if you also in my shoes do well to find out, just keep reading


In the above image, you're staring at a vibrant, green globe of goodness.Now, what you see is not just a fruit, but a scientific and healthy masterpiece! Just in case you have no idea what it is, It is a watery fruity wonder called the watermelon. Hey! It is not grape, I repeat its not grape.

When it come to hydration, it is the cornerstone of life itself! An epitome of everything H2O. This juicy green orb brims with life's elixir, containing on average 92% water! A natural oasis amidst the scorching sun. Did you know it's nearly as hydrating as your average sports drink? Yet, it's all-natural, no artificial colors, just Mother Nature's doing well to satisfy us with a quenching embrace! Which of course you made no payment for, all you have to do is ask.

Now, let's dive into the chemistry lab of vitamins within this orb called Water melon! Vitamin C, boosters, reinforcers and defenders of our immune system, dances in abundance within this luscious fruit. And speaking of visionaries and crystal clear eyesight , Vitamin A in watermelon is a superhero that work wonders for your eyes! Say goodbye to dull days and hello to vivid sights!

But wait, there's more! Lycopene, the antioxidant superstar, paints the watermelon red and also works wonders in your body, fighting off free radicals like a superhero battling villains. It's the cape-wearing guardian of your cells!

Let not forget the Fibers people, the unsung hero of digestive health! This juicy red delight houses fiber, your digestive system's best friend. It keeps everything moving smoothly, making you feel as light as a helium balloon on a windy day!

Now, let's address the elephant in the room - seeds! Water Melon seeds. Ah, the seeds, the overlooked, undermined and definitely underated VIP in this fruity globe like fotress. They're not just for seed-spitting contests, oh no! They're a hidden treasure trove of nutrients like magnesium and iron, you dont know right? Well now you know. So instead of spitting those highly nutritious seeds away, chew them, and swallow down, your body will thank you for a job well done. Who would have thought a a tiny seed could pack such a punch?

Science has spoken – watermelon isn't just food; it's a fruit-based equation for a healthy and happy life! Cheers to the juicy symphony of science in every bite of this delectable wonder!

Thank you, and here's to health, hydration, and the sweet, refreshing taste of a perfectly ripe watermelon!

Resources Consulted


All image used is mine, taken with camon 19


I love watermelons so much, I wonder what has made them so expensive to afford lately in my country, but all the same the health benefits are highly enormous and impactful.


I feel like they fruit is so underated, especially the seed. It quite ridiculous how people just spit them away


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