Another Covid study finds the vax wasn't safe or effective


It feels like there aren’t many weeks that go by when there isn’t some study or other revealing that the vaccines weren’t safe or effective. As awareness grows we move closer to a compete exposure of the Covid scam.

Photo NYTimes

In this most recent study, published in Frontiers in Immunology, researchers from the hospital of Ohio State University sought to find out if the COVID injections actually improved the outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

From March 2020 to November 2022, 152 adult patients were selected—112 of them tested positive for COVID-19, while the rest didn’t. Furthermore, 23 of those who tested positive for COVID-19 were jabbed while the remaining 89 weren’t.

What they discovered was a startling difference between those who got the shots and those who didn’t.

Mortality for the non-infected population was 36% and 27% percent among non-vaccinated and vaccinated groups respectively. However, for the infected population, the non-vaccinated subset had a mortality rate of 37% while the vaccinated subset had a shocking 70% mortality rate.

That's nearly double!

Going deeper into the participants’ backgrounds, researchers investigated the possible influence of co-morbidities using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). This is a widely used analytical tool to determine the survival rate of patients with multiple co-morbidities.

They discovered that the CCI score was significantly higher in vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. The researchers noted:

Co-morbidities and age are the known contributors to increased mortality among COVID-19 patients. Nonetheless, in our study, mortality remained significantly higher in the vaccinated patients even after adjustment for CCI, suggesting there are other risk factors in vaccinated patients.

The researchers also investigated the antibodies between the two populations. Interestingly, they discovered that the unvaccinated group had significantly higher antibody titers compared to those who got the shots. Antibody titers being a type of blood test that determines the presence and level (titer) of antibodies in the blood. This test is carried out to investigate if there is an immune reaction triggered by foreign invaders (antigens) in the body.


This discovery suggests the probable role of natural immunity in the protection against severe COVID-19. Moreover, the researchers suggest that getting the shot can lead to immune tolerance—a process that makes your immune system less likely to respond to antigens, including SARS-CoV-2 variants.

This study is yet more evidence that is mounting that the vaccines were not safe or effective.

It follows on from a study published in BMJ Public Health on June 3, 2024, which looked at the excess mortality rates across 47 countries in the Western world from 2020 to 2022. The researchers analyzed the records found in the ‘Our World in Data’, an open-access database, which includes reports from the World Mortality Dataset and the Human Mortality Database.

In another study, this time published in BMC Public Health, Norwegian researchers noted that there was an increase of excess mortality in Norway during 2020 to 2022. While it’s easy to assume that COVID-19 was the top culprit, it wasn’t:

There was considerable excess non-COVID-19 mortality in Norway from March 2020 until December 2022, mainly due to excess cardiovascular deaths.

Were the COVID shots responsible for this increase in excess mortality?

While the researchers didn’t specify this as the reason, this line of thought was suggested. According to their findings;

There is a temporal concordance between increasing vaccine coverage and increasing excess mortality.

Despite growing evidence the CDC still recommending the shot for young children

In a report by The Defender, the JN.1 variant is the most dominant strain in 2024, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory committee unanimously voted to include it in the vaccine composition for 2024 to 2025. The updated "vaccine" will also target sub variants KP.2 and KP.3.

Unsurprisingly, when the vote was announced, shares of Novavax, a biotechnology company that manufactures vaccines, increased by 11%.

Why is Big Pharma still pushing to manufacture these shots despite the glaring evidence of harm?

The desire for profit and a model of continuing expansion certainly is a major driver. I doubt that’s the entire picture though. The evidence of excess mortality is becoming to overwhelming to avoid. The real experiences of people who have been injured by the vaccinated is what is undermining people’s confidence in the entire medical profession.


According to cancer researcher Dr. William Makis, the science isn’t at the centre anymore:

Unfortunately, the entire LNP/mRNA Vaccine field is a fraud. It’s a failed technology with an unacceptably terrible side effect profile. The entire field now depends on the suppression of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine injuries and deaths, which are now in the millions (5.3 million in WHO VigiAccess alone), so we are no longer dealing with scientists but con artists...They are trying to find ‘novel’ ways to market a failed technology platform and sneak failed vaccine products onto the market.

Based on mounting evidence, it seems that the recent uptick in "turbo cancers"[16] may be a side effect of getting the jab. Oncologists coined this term to describe cancers that grow at such an alarming pace that patients frequently die before a proper treatment plan can even be executed.

In another report, published in Frontiers in Medicine, researchers found a rapid progression of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL)—a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)—after receiving a COVID-19 booster shot. AITL is a cancer affecting the lymph system, primarily involving T-cells, a type of white blood cell that plays a crucial role in the immune system:

Such a rapid evolution would be highly unexpected in the natural course in the disease. Since mRNA vaccination is known to induce enlargement and hypermetabolic activity of draining lymph nodes, it is reasonable to postulate that it was the trigger of the changes observed. Indeed, the increase in size and metabolic activity was higher in axillary lymph nodes draining the site of vaccine injection as compared to their contralateral counterparts. However, pre-existing lymphomatous nodes were also clearly enhanced as compared to the first test. Moreover, new hypermetabolic lesions most likely of lymphomatous nature clearly appeared at distance of the injection site.

Del Bigtree

In an interview with Del Bigtree Dr Makis describes how the mRNA has been manipulated through "codon optimization," a process where a genetic code is inserted into the spike protein, creating a rigid "skeleton”. The reason codon optimization was used is because it’s required for clinical trials and subsequent mass manufacturing.

However, as noted by the researches;

Unfortunately, some of the potential problems associated with codon optimization, which can affect protein function and increase immunogenicity, may not be seen until the drug is in late-stage clinical trials, or after the drug is on the market.

Vaccine manufacturers bypassed this problem by making substitutions in the genetic instructions. Certain nucleotides (three nucleotides make up a codon) are swapped out, but still end up with the same protein. However, the enhanced efficiency comes at a price, one which millions of people have already paid. One that millions may have yet to pay.



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That's a lot of good information. It is going to take me a while to fully digest that.
