Back To The Roots.


Technology is without a doubt one of the best things that has happened to man. Its inventions have made life easier and better beyond the ways we could ever imagine.

If for a reason, the world experienced a sudden blackout and we are unable to use all the technology at our disposal, first I would say that we are in deep soup 😄😄😄.

Then, we would all need to take a deep breath, I definitely would because we would definitely need all the strength we could gather.

With no phones or torches at our disposal, I believe we would have to go back to our roots, gathering firewood to make a fire for cooking. That's one way to earn a living. These firewood can also be used for few hours at night before everyone goes to sleep. This means that people would be needing more of it.


Another way of making a living is to go into farming. I could help people clear out grasses, build ridges and plant crops.

To earn a living for me would mean to be able to feed properly. So without a doubt the farmer in me will emerge. I will help clear farms, plant more foodstuffs like yam, cassava, vegetables and many more. I could then be paid with foodstuffs to help keep me going.

What? Don't you think I will need all the strength I could gather to survive the blackout however long it takes.

Seeing as the recent increase in the price of foodstuffs has skyrocketed so high that people find it difficult to be able to afford foodstuffs like pepper, I have quickly ensured that I go back to planting. Vegetables are at the very top of that list.

I believe I can also have fun without the use of technology. Before technology took most of our time now, I could remember back then as children we had outdoor games that kept us busy. We would play from dawn to dusk and sometimes get in trouble with our parents as they keep trying to get us to do our chores on time.

Now that I think of it, I don't think this "Indomie and Gen Z Baddies" generation could have as much fun as we did while growing up as many of them are focused on their phones.

Without technology there are still games we can play to have fun, all we need are our hands and legs. Most games like "Sure"(Hopscotch), Ten-ten, Tinko tinko and many others.

I fear that with today's technology, some people are just forming and boasting with their latest gadgets. Very few are still trying to form deep and meaningful connections.

Despite the few disadvantages that come with technology, there is no doubt that the advent of technology has brought about immense growth and development all around the world.

I don't even want to think of a world without technology. Sure we might adapt but for how long before we begin to long for our phones, gadgets, and all other beautiful things we have experienced from technology?

I think it would have been better not to experience technology at all than to have experienced it and no longer have it at our disposal.

The image used Is Mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I believe 90% of the world would start farming even though 10% would do it on a large scale. Farming is definitely the way for because that's the surest way to put food on your table and as well make more money.

For entertainment, those old school games would be something to embrace but adjusting might be somehow challenging.


You are right, more people would venture into farming.

It would surely be challenging for us who have had the taste of what technology could do.

Thank you for coming around.


Even with technology still available I think farming is one area we are supposed to get involved in especially in Nigeria due to the current food scarcity but then we still have issues of insecurity to deal with when it comes to working at the farmlands.

Those olden days were fun, though it can be stressful and if will should go back there we will still be fine.



You are right but still I really don't want us to go back.

Thank you for stopping by.


Gathering firewood?
Hah, if we were to go back now now, I would be found wanting because one thing I’m very bad at is making fire in coalpot… I can spend hours on that thing


😄😄😄 trust me, if that were to happen,you will get used to it in time.

Thank you for coming around.


Eheheh, I don't even want to imagine it, because to be honest, we are all already used to this lifestyle and we have embraced technology completely. We can surely survive without it, but it will be a very hard task, for real.

