What is Bed Bugs and How Do You Get Them?

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that live primarily in bedding and clutter. You’re probably familiar with bed bugs from suffering from a night of restless nights and being bitten constantly. Bed bugs are considered a disease vector, meaning they bite humans to feed on blood. They prefer people over dogs or other animals because they have more access to human hosts. They can also be found in homes where their host is not keeping them locked up at night.

Fortunately, their presence isn’t necessary to know that your house is infested with them Bed bugs do not occur randomly. The bites of an infected person may look like none at all or may be accompanied by other signs such as nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Thus, the bites of bed bugs must first be located on your property before you take action to eradicate them from your home.

What Are Bed Bug Bites?

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. These insects are common in hotels, apartments, and other spas where humans spend the majority of their time. They are also commonly found in homes. However, their bites don’t usually occur when the host is not present. Rather, the bites occur when a host is in the room where the bed bugs are most active.

Depending on where a bed bug feeds, they may also leave behind a bite mark on the host’s body. These bites, known as “aggression bites,” are usually located on the host’s lower body.

What Are the Types of Bed Bugs?

There are five major types of bed bugs:

  • Cimex lectularius:

  • The common bed bug Cimex Demidovianus:

  • The Cimex Demidovius bed bug Cimex hemipterus:

  • The Cimex Hemipterus bed bug Cimex intermedia:

  • The Cimex Intermedia bed bug Cimex luridus:

  • The Cimex Luridus bed bug All these bed bugs feed on the same blood as well as have the same host preferences. The only difference is in which areas on the body they feed on.

The bite marks of bed bugs are unique and easy to identify. You can also see them in the dark thanks to the unique fat found in their bodies. Their bites leave behind clear evidence of their presence. You can also detect their presence by checking the fabric of your mattresses and box springs for signs of damage. If you find any marks or holes, you have to wonder how the bugs got in.

What Are the Side Effects of Bed Bugs?



As with any type of bite, you should seek medical attention if you notice any of the following signs: itching and/or welting oranemic areas on the body These side effects don’t necessarily occur as soon as you have bed bugs, but rather 24-72 hours after a bite. The bites of bed bugs don’t require you to get them Stateside in order to be infected.

Rather, you’re mostly susceptible to bites while the bugs are still in the bites themselves.
At least one study has found that neem, a plant native to India and Southeast Asia, has a serious bed bug-killing effect. Other natural bed bug controls include boric acid, garlic, and tea tree oil. Additionally, chemical treatments are available for bed bugs. The sprays are highly toxic to humans and other animals.

Is There a Money-Back Guarantee for Bed Bugs?

Unfortunately, no. However, one study found that consumers who bought bed bugs were more likely to report sleep problems and emotional stress. This likely means that for some people, bed bugs are a sign that they need a break from a relationship. We’re not there yet, but it’s an important first step!
Wash your sheets and pillowcases in a dishwasher.

Use an insecticide on your Cabinets. Wash your clothes in a washing machine. Just make sure to check the label to make sure it’s not toxic to pets, children, or the environment. A third protection against bed bugs is… Bugs themselves are small, so you can use a flashlight to see them, as well as their hiding places. Bugs are nocturnal, so it’s important to check your bed and furniture during the day.

Is There Anything Natural You Can Do to Fight Bed Bugs?

Yes. You can also try this natural remedy for bed bugs: Combine one part petroleum jelly and two parts water and apply it to all cracks and crevices of your home, like door jambs and window sills. When the weather is warm, bugs come out to play. Therefore, it’s important to keep your housefree of insects and, more importantly, the bed bugs that live in
Unfortunately, yes. You must take care of yourself and your body, no matter how gross or uncomfortable it may feel. You must get enough sleep, use a mosquito or window-screen cover, and remain active, especially when you’re exposed to an outside source of light.



Is There Any Advice You Can Give for Preventing Bed Bug Bites?

Be sure to clean and vacuum your bedroom, bathroom, and closet when you get home from work or school. Keep an eye out for signs of bed bugs. If you find any, immediately contact your local pest control company.
The best thing you can do for a bed bug bite is to clean the bite with a special antiseptic lotion. Apply it when you get home from work or school, and before you go to bed.

You can also try this natural home remedy: Mix one part witch hazel and two parts water and apply it to all open sores, such as bug bites and mosquito bites. This will help prevent secondary infections and slow the rate at which your skin loses its natural protection. Aids were developed to trap and eliminate bed bugs from homes but have proved to be ineffective against other insects. Furthermore, the chemicals used to treat bed bugs have shown to be just as harmful to people as they are to insects.

Is There a National Bed Bug Awareness Campaign?

Yes! The campaign is called “Bed Bugs, No More” and it’s a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cruel practice of insecticides and bed bugs. The organization has produced a number of educational materials, including fact sheets, videos, and infographics. Yes! In addition to the national campaign, there are local and state-level efforts to end the use of bed bugs in homes. There are many successful local campaigns that have been dedicated to eliminating bed bug populations in specific areas. For example, in New York City, bed bugs were eradicated in a specific neighborhood in 2004.



Not only can you get rid of bed bugs with nature’s most powerful pesticide, but you can also protect your home from future infestations. The “Bed Bugs, No More” campaign is working hard to get the word out about the dangers of bed bugs and to encourage people to get their homes pest-free.

(1). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bedbugs/symptoms-causes/syc-20370001

(2). https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/bedbugs/faqs.html

(3). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bed_bug

(4). https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/pests/bedbugs.htm

(5). https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/158065#_noHeaderPrefixedContent


Thanks so much for this article. This reminds me of our senior high school time, when we used to get bitten by bed bugs in our rooms (boarding). We used to face a lot of trouble from these bed bugs, to the extent that they would even come and spray the whole hostel, but later we would see them again. It wasn't easy, but we thank God for seeing us through.
