Picture of the day : My Computer & my cell phone


Today, I woke up and was really busy in packing and getting ready to go to Islamabad. Meanwhile, when I lie down to take some rest. I saw my desktop machine and thought I would really miss this friend of mine after my family on this trip because these both are the main things which helped me in making my blogs and posts.


My computer is with me for more than 7 years now and in these 7 years, it never betrayed me. I have not spent a single penny on it for last 7 years. He is a great companion and my old buddy. He never ask me for anything but always help me in many things. I do work from home on this computer. However, keyboard and mouse has been changed couple of times but this machine rocks.


I was always asked by many that why don’t I use laptops or tabs, even at work. Because I don’t feel comfortable in it, I feel more comfortable and focused while I am sitting on a chair and working on a desktop machine. I tried to work on laptop several times when away from my desktop but that doesn’t suits me, never enjoyed working on a laptop. That’s my choice, because I am an oldie, I didn’t adopt the change of technology so easily.


Same goes with my cell phone, Moto E4, it really helped me a lot till now, in capturing awesome moments and on special occasions. I think its with me for almost 10 years now. However, I am having a bit of issues now as he is getting older and need some rest maybe not sure. But still he is living his life with me very comfortably and making my life easier.


My computer need some upgradation, I knew it for last couple of years but I am just dragging it further as much as I can just to save money. I know I am not being honest and sincere to my computer, after all what it did for me in these past years. Everyone needs upgradation, even human beings, well I have made my mind and will definitely give it a new life and more power soon, hopefully this year.


Both of them, my cell phone and my computer, helped me a lot in implementing my ideas and creating these blogs. I really love both of them, they are part of my life and I hope both of them never leave me. I just need to focus on their upgradation programs, even for my Moto E4, it needs some improvements, in other words, both of them are asking for their share of whatever I earned through them lol. I will be missing my compute on my trip but my Moto E4 would be there with me capturing the sceneries and actions which I will be sharing with you guys once back in a week or so. I am once again being lucky to have these things in my life who are supporting me and helping me in my various tasks.

I would like to say thank you to my computer and Moto E4 through this post and i really appreciate their presence and standing by my side all the time.

All above pictures are taken through Oppo A7.


I also prefer working with a desktop computer instead of laptop but when it comes to mobility, it becomes difficult to move a desktop around.. 7 good years without servicing any fault in Ur computer? It must be a quality one and u also handled it with care .
That's a nice one


well, I am being lucky that it works for me this long time and maybe it is not an ordinary desktop which gets sick every now and then. I won't take credit of handling it with care because I didn't lol


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