Artificial Intelligence Going to Replace Our Jobs? A useful session at workplace


AI has been in development for many years, and there have been periodic improvements in it. However, what we have heard or continue to hear about AI has caused almost all employed individuals to feel threatened. We are constantly thinking about what our future holds. Will AI take away our jobs? Will AI be the only one managing all tasks in the future? These are some of the questions we do not have clear answers to, and everyone is entangled in this dilemma about what will happen next. Will our jobs remain or not?


Considering all these things, our company's Head of IT organized a session in which all the employees of our office participated. This was indeed a very interesting session because we learned many things that we did not know before. Honestly, I did not have much knowledge about AI, and even now, I do not have a lot, but after this session, the fear of losing the job has gone away, and I have become more inclined towards learning new things.


At the beginning, everyone was asked what they think AI is and what it is used for. Since I only knew about ChatGPT, I mentioned that, and because I work in the customer service department, in my opinion, the implementation of ChatGPT can handle half of the customer service work, which means that CS staff could be laid off as ChatGPT can do that work by itself. However, ChatGPT is not the only AI; it became clear that AI has improved and developed so much that it has solutions for everything in every department, whether it is IT, Finance, or any other department. And these solutions are quick, often taking only minutes. There are software and apps that can complete these tasks in minutes, but every technology has its pros and cons.


AI is also being used in many scam activities, and it is being misused. Because of these issues, AI is still being kept limited in how it can be further improved. So, this is the time for us to speed up and adopt technology, advancements, and developments. Instead of wasting time worrying about the risk of losing our jobs, it is better to keep up with the times by learning new things and mastering them so that we do not fall behind in the future. We should not be afraid of AI; rather, we should learn how it works and how it can further improve, and how we can benefit from it in our field or department. Implementing AI in a way that provides error-free work and makes things easier for us is the goal.


I really liked the example he gave: when the fan was not invented, and in the times of kings, handheld fans were used to provide air to the kings. If the person who used to do this job continued to do only that, how would they progress when the fan was invented? When the fan was invented, more jobs opened up and people got opportunities to work. If the person who used the handheld fan did not accept this change, they would not be able to do anything. They would need to understand the workings of the fan and, since it is their specialty, they would be able to work better in a fan company. This means that AI has been doing its job from that time or even before, and the right thing at any time has always been to adopt new things with the times. Those who failed to keep up with the times could not move forward.


This example is just like how I have seen the development of computers before my eyes, witnessed the entry of mobile phones, and many other things that kept coming into the market and becoming hits. Previously, work was done on registers, but now it is done on software. Similarly, in the future, things will become even simpler, and all this is for our convenience. This session was really very good, and listening to these things opened our minds. We got the motivation that we should never stop learning; it should always continue. In life, the one who is always ready to learn new things will be very successful. Thanks to the IT head who organized this session and gave us all a good lesson and learning opportunity.

All above pictures are taken by me through my cell phone Moto E4.
