My name is @rishagamo; Welcome to @scifimultiverse week 7 prompt.
I will be writing on this week's prompt, "SCIENCE OF EMOTIONS AS RELATES TO FACTUAL DECISION MAKING".
On of the psychological drives to making decisions is our emotions. Sometimes, Our decision-making ability is tied down to how we feel: anger, joy, happiness or sadness, love or hate and sometimes fear. We tend to make decisions sometimes due to strong feelings of happiness or sadness, we make decisions sometimes based on the feeling of love or hate we feel at the time, and sometimes out of fear of something which could be unknown.
While a decision taken out of emotions sometimes bring out good results, you will tend to agree with me that the result in most cases, is usually a terrible one.
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A decision I made in my childhood days out of fear was a decision to stop eating fish. I knew nothing about Mermaid until I was reading a book in primary school; for the first time, I saw a human who was half fish and half human. Growing up, once I became scared of something, it usually took the grace of God to come out of such fear, I always acted on my fears until it became a habit with me. Once I was scared of the dark, I couldn't stay in the dark all by myself.
The fear of mermaids made me to stop eating fish immediately; whenever I see fish or perceive the smell of fish, I usually get irritated by it. It became so serious that I would starve for the whole day because I would refuse to eat anything that was made with fish.
My parent seeing it becoming serious, wanted to stop whatever it was it was becoming beforehand because they felt it so stupid and thought it was one of those things kids do and wanted to stop it as soon as they could because they knew what i will be missing health wise if it became a habit, they decided to garnish my favourite meal with a lot of fish to see if I will eat, but to their surprise, I stayed without eating anything for the whole day. When that failed, they tried forcing me to eat, but I will always come up with a fever and will have a feeling of nausea for the whole day.
To this day, my family only know that at some point in my life I stopped eating fish, but none has the knowledge of the reason behind my decision. maybe it would have helped them on their quest if they knew when it was still not late.
I am unable to eat fish now not because of the fear of mermaids anymore but because it has become part of me, my mind has been trained seriously that fish is not to be consumed while i was a child and it has grew to be a part of me. This has made me lost a lot of healthy benefits attached to eating of fish and also the fun of it.
For every decision we make, I will always advise not to make decisions based on how you feel about something or someone, the fear of the unknown for instance has made a lot of people stagnant in this life because they take their daily decisions based on the fear of could happen mostly fixing their minds only on the negative and none on the positive side of what could happen.
Decisions are best taken with proper thought, remaining rational and objective rather than emotional.
Thank you for reading my article. Enjoy the rest of your week.
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