A world without technology, I am saying No to Blackout

I like this Hive Naija topic, because it scares me a little, heheh..., then before I go on and make my contribution to it, I want to used some minute and say that "may we never experienced a blackout in any way.

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Back on track with my contribution....... I think if at any point the technologys are not working anymore, life will be more than boring, apart from surviving which is something we must work everyday for, "how can i even be able to coop, knowing that I can't call my friends, and I can't sent messages to them.

A lot of us spent time with our phone more than we do to other things in our day, just like me, where my times are spent is with my phone or laptop.

Most of this times, I spent it in reading posts, messages from my friends and also news around the globe, it thus create in me a sense of belongings and I feel that I have something in common with my friends, Honestly, no body want to lived in isolation, as our mind's are thinking about good life, it also think about the people we love and care about.

So, for a blackout to surface, how can I be able to see the pictures of my love one's and as well talk to them on phone and on social media, where would that kind of money be for me to be paying transport fare to each of their houses, and what about those that are residing in other countries, that's to say that, I would be staying for many years without talking to the people that I love.

No!, I am even going far, In a blackout, I do not think even means of transportation would work in such times, wow!, honestly, it would just be like we are hostage in a place and our freedom has been collected from us.

Something is to consider, and that is, using of this technology devices has somehow add to freedom, a lot of our activities are done in our devices, and so, without it we are doing nothing.

Now, speaking of what I would do to survived in a blackout, I believed that people must survived in any way they finds themselves, so, in a blackout, we will divert to the used of local lifestyle, nowadays a lot of people are not making used of locals stores anymore, but where they buys item's are in the mall and supermarkets, so in a time where we had a blackout, a lot of us would be buying things we need from the local stores and not the electronic malls we have, because malls would be always congested, so it would be best for some people to visit locals store and get the materials they want.

Moreover, planting of crop's for our used would be activated to a larger extent, most people has taken their minds from planting what they want in their gardens and farms as it used to be, then they want to be buying everything from the supermarket and malls, yet, in a situation where we have blackout, I think it will be that our gardens and farms that will saves us, craft would be activated and we will used it for sometimes till everything goes back to normal and we have the ability to used our technology.


I cannot just even imagine myself in such a world, it will be worse than a nightmare. But I still agree with you though, humans must survive no matter the condition they find themselves.


Yes, we must survive, that's a must at any point we find ourselves, no blackout, we don't want that, let's continue in the way we have and make life easier.
Thanks I appreciate.


When you said it scares you , I laughed.
Didn’t you experience the internet blackout that happened in March? If you did then I do t think such things will scare you because it’s not so bad as it seems


That one in March was just a minor blackout and it didn't last for long, besides, some people were still having access to the internet, think about it when no one has access to the internet at all, and it goes on for long, that can not be nice, we don't want it oooo 😂
