RE: Accidental Progress and Potential Quantum Breakthrough

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Interesting. Thanks for the article. On a slightly related note, I recently came across the article Industrial giant Honeywell says it’s built the world’s best quantum computer that I covered in Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for March 4, 2020. In that article I learned that Honeywell has been using "ion traps" which are electromagnetic fields that hold ions in place as qubits for its own quantum computer.

It seems like Honeywell is using some sort of crystal, not silicon, so I'm not sure how closely the two concepts tie together, but it definitely seems clear that magnetic fields have a foundational role to play in quantum computing.



I came across this piece recently too, I'm very interested in this computational freezing effect. I'll take a look at your curation post in a moment :)

It'll be interesting if industry moves away from silicon onto something new entirely, there are bound to be novel configurations as these big firms pump more into R&D. It's certainly exciting to see other companies have another "spin" on things in the early days of quantum computing.
