The strange mutation of Finnish cats.

The strange mutation of Finnish cats.

A study conducted in the US and UK has discovered a surprising mutation in Finnish cats; and all this thanks to people who noticed that their cats, and especially wild ones, had a different color, the color of the cats diluted from top to tail, they became whiter at the end of the tail; This mutation was called the Finnish or “salmiak” mutation.

In reality, cats in Finland and around the world have only two colors, black and orange, or the absence of a color that would be white is a combination or faded version of the aforementioned colors caused by the dilution gene.

So when experts began to see gray-furred kittens running around, the natural assumption was that it was a curious expression of the dilution gene coming into play by changing the colors in that peculiar way, but the matter began to get complicated, because the researchers analyzed all known genetic variations, all those that control the expression of the dilution gene in coat color, and the team found nothing.

Then they took the next step, sequencing the complete genomes of at least two cats and digging into the whole tangle of genetic data to find out what was causing the new coats to appear, and ultimately the answer to this puzzle lay in what wasn't there. , verbatim The researchers said that much of the sequence was missing from the Gene kit, literally these cats were missing a piece of DNA.

And this is what affected its color, researchers wonder why this mutation occurred?; Can it have other effects on cats' bodies? These are questions that have yet to be investigated; What do you think of these new cats? For me the cats simply wanted to blend in in the snowy fields of Finland.

The images were taken from the sources used. Souce 1

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