Technology in the study of parabolic motion



First of all, my respectful greetings to all the Hive community, every person on this planet can be a reliable witness of the different mobilities that develop around us both naturally and artificially, and for their understanding science-technology has managed throughout our history to expand this knowledge and multiply it through the essential field of education.


When observing carefully around us we could notice how the phenomenon of movement is at every moment at our side, either developed by a natural entity or by any machine or object created by man through technology, therefore, the purpose of these contents is to identify in a general way the most visible movements in our environment, where, one of them is undoubtedly the parabolic movement.

When we see any object thrown at a certain distance we easily notice how it describes the trajectory of a parabola, and the same is represented by the movement of the object which moves around a fixed point called focus of the parabola, and whose distance will be the same as the length towards a fixed straight line called directrix, as you can see below in the following figure 1.


Figure 1. Trajectory of a parabolic motion

With the previous figure we have already begun to relate to the type of motion to be analyzed, that is, parabolic motion, whose geometric shape we know as parabola, and which is well known in the area of education when implemented in kinematics in the study of projectile launching, to give just one example of many others of which we are witnesses.

Another important aspect to highlight about this type of mobility is the fact that we can analyze it from the point of view of two types of rectilinear movements and this will depend on the position of where we are, as you can see in the following figure 2.


Figure 2. Projection of the two types of rectilinear motions

There are many examples that we could observe of this type of parabolic mobility, in particular I consider sports to be an area where this movement can be easily detailed as you can see in figure 3 below.


Figure 3. Full parabolic motion

This type of movement is of great interest for technology in the study of the trajectory of any type of bullet or projectile, i.e., the field of ballistics, where it is necessary to know precisely the trajectory using different launch angles so that the projectile can hit a planned target, as shown in Figure 4 below.


Figure 4. Parabolic motion of a projectile

Each mobility has its own particularity in terms of its use in any of our activities, and sometimes we do not notice its development, but, at any moment of our life it is carried out as you could see in the previous examples.


In fact, there are countless phenomena that take place around us, and in many cases we ignore them, however, science-technology has managed to extract any kind of learning from every mobility around us and the parabolic movement represents a clear example of this.

Many athletes today, including soccer players, use technological advances such as video recordings to perfect their shots, for example, in free kicks, where the description of the parabolic movement is essential for the required success, which is why it will always be of vital importance to know about the development of the same.

In our academies we teach any type of education and for sure all of them are essential for the learning of the world around us, and if it is about the phenomenon of movement even more since everything exists thanks to this phenomenon.

Therefore, our small intention is to highlight the enormous task of the scientific-technological field in the search that any type of learning of our nature, and with it, to use it in important applications that have allowed us to develop our activities with greater facility.

Without forgetting of course the essential task of the beautiful field of education which is to perform the wonderful task of propagating this knowledge in the most planned or organized way possible, which is why we can say that it is a perfect trinomial for our development in every sense of the word.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.

Note: The images are my own and were created in Power Point and the animated gifs in PhotoScape.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference


[2]Let's talk about the phenomenon of movement (Circular Mobility). Author: @rbalzan79.
