Amphibians Poetry Analysis, Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography
Amphibians Poetry Analysis
The best lesson plans incorporate many different subject. Math and Science are the most obvious and frequent cross-over subjects. Language Arts too can blend quite nicely with just about any other subject.
This Spring we explored the poetry of Joseph O. Legaspi and his piece Amphibians in our Language Arts program.
First we began by reviewing the biology of amphibians. The science part.
Amphibians, the poem, is not in the public domain or creative commons, and I was not able to find a reading. Poets. org does however feature a live version for your reading enjoyment. Just follow the link above before you read on with the blog.
From our studies ...
Joseph O. Legaspi organizes his analogous Poem , Amphibians, by first giving a characteristic of amphibians and then talking about immigrants and creating a metaphor between immigrants and amphibians. This is an example of repetition.
The word amphibian means to have two lives. An amphibious animal is born in the water and as an adult can come up onto land.
Looking at the line hardening in the sea, I am reminded that many immigrants came to Canada by boat. The journey was often dangerous and the boats over-crowded.
Even though, the water makes most things softer, immigrants would have to become hard, strong and durable, to survive the journey.
Then even when they arrive, there is no rest. Immigrants toil and sleep breathlessly. Many immigrants arrive without much money, and so they must work hard to build a life and a new home in an unfamiliar world, where they may know no one and not even speak and write the language.
When an Immigrant first arrives, it is difficult for them to fit into their new environment. Many other cultures prefer bright colours, but in Canada we tend to favour more muted colours, like black and earth tones. Their colors brighten, camouflage. A new immigrant may chose to wear dark or subdued colours to fit in or camouflage themselves in a new culture.
Great flowers and sunshine pictures. I really like it. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you:)
Y'know, I really admire that you're able to homeschool your son and do it so well. My own homeschooled boy fights me every step of the way.
I like that you share what you're learning and do so with what appears to be great enjoyment. Please don't tell me if I'm wrong about that, because I enjoy having that particular illusion if it is indeed that. 😁
This girl combines different elements in her poetry, like this case. I love her lirics.