Chinese Restaurant "Naam Kee" - Amsterdam, Netherlands

This year I am having the worst winter in my life. I have been sick almost every other day; coughing, and sneezing all the time with a painful migraine headache. I can barely stay healthy no matter how much I drink healthy tea or warm soup. My biggest health problem is sinusitis and migraine and temperature fluctuation means I am sick. Anyway, despite being sick most of the time, I try to do my daily chores and important work. I guess this year not gonna end well.

Like I said, I try to do important work which means I go out to another city if it is needed. Last week I had to go to Amsterdam again. The weather condition was a worst, windy, cold and rainy day but I had to go out. I had to go to a hospital for admission intake because my doctors sent me. Umm, nothing serious yet but it might be serious in the future. I don't know yet. I prefer to stay at home during the winter season and this year, I am not having a good time with my mental and physical health.


The location was somewhere near Anne Frank's house, the location is called Keizersgracht. During summer, this location becomes lively because of tourists but during winter especially when it rains, I don't see many tourists except the curious ones. Rain in Amsterdam is normal but unfortunately, I don't like such kind of cold gloomy weather. I was sick already and later that weather made me more sick.

The holiday season is almost here and now Amsterdam will be packed with tourists. Before, I used to feel excited whenever I went to Amsterdam but not anymore even though this city has so much to offer. Probably I am demotivated now and that's why I don't find this city attractive anymore.

But yes, after finishing my work, I didn't forget to take some photos.




Despite of dislike, I still find this narrow brick building attractive. It is suggested to take a walk at Keizersgracht because of these narrow ornamented buildings with big windows, unadorned facades, and one of the big canals in Amsterdam. That's why I said this is a tourist spot. Amsterdam is famous for its Expressionist architecture. It has both modern and classic style architectural layouts with rich history and that's the most attractive part for tourists. Moreover, there is so much to do, restaurants, bars clubs, everything you desire for.

I didn't take a long walk, I just took photos and left for Old Amsterdam Central, near Da Wallen.


Tram Station at Keizersgracht, Amsterdam


One of the biggest canal in Amsterdam


A bridge that gets lighted in the evening

I was hungry so I needed something to eat.

When I feel hungry, I don't think twice, I just go for it. That day I decided I was gonna go to China Ally where a lot of Chinese and Asian restaurants are located. I have been there before and ate food there. The food there is quite nice and you can see the menu and food prices before entering the restaurant. The rain stopped and the sky was clear when I reached China Ally. China Street is located near Dam Square and Da Wallen (Red Light District). To be honest, I don't know the exact location, I just know how to get there. It's more like an Asian Restaurant Street because all kinds of Asian cuisine restaurants are located there. They are not fancy restaurants but the price is fancy 😀' after all it's Amsterdam.



At first, I took a look at some restaurant's menus and prices and later stopped in front of these two restaurants. I was thinking about what to eat, Ramen or Chinese food. But my eyes went to the Peking duck that was hanging in the restaurant's kitchen and I was seeing it from the outside because of the glass facade. So, I decided to go to Nam Kee where the Peking ducks were hanging, poor ducks.

Naam Kee - Chinese Restaurant

For those who don't know what is Peking Duck, it's a dish from Beijing China. It's a traditional dish since the Imperial era with crispy duck skin, seasoned with spices before roasting and sauce. The meat is juicy inside. The portion of meat is not much but very tasty to eat.



The restaurant was not so fancy and was crowded when I was there. I found a table for us (I was not alone) and decided to order food. I knew what I was gonna eat, obviously Peking duck with crispy noodles. I saw this interesting frame with original money, interesting.


Unfortunately, the waitress told me that the Peking duck menu would be served with rice, not with fried noodles but she also mentioned she could arrange noodles separately for me if I wanted. Well, obviously I said yes without knowing what was waiting for me.


Tons of Chinese dishes were listed on the menu and it was hard to choose what to order, and what not to order. Well, the price was nice too...




We ordered beef chili with white rice and Peking duck with fried noodles. Order served fast, I wasn't expecting such fast service. The face look of the waitress was unpleasant, maybe she was having a bad day.

Bonus they served red hot dried chili oil. Have you tasted this chili oil before? It's super spicy and not for everyone. I learned about this chili oil from Chinese food videos. For Chinese people, I think chili oil is a must with dishes.



I didn't take any photos of the restaurant because it was full of diners and I didn't feel comfortable taking photos while others were enjoying their meal. It's not good behavior in my opinion and there is always privacy question. Anyway, let's talk about the food.

Peking Duck was really tasty, it was a little spicy but the meat was juicy, delicious and the duck's skin was crispy enough. I didn't like the fried egg noodles, I struggled with it and due to the lack of gravy from the duck, the noodles remained dry. The one I tasted in Dan Haag was way more better than this egg noodles. The beef was good and tasted delicious with rice. But that was not my meal so I just ate Peking duck and left the noodles aside.

Bill arrived and I was about to cry seeing the bill because of egg noodles. I was questioning my choice because I was not served white rice and they charged me extra for egg noodles like a menu because I asked for it. :( Well, I didn't say anything. I just left after paying the bill. Because somehow it was my mistake, I didn't clear my doubts before ordering anything.

The duck was tasty but my experience was not well because of my own mistake. This was also a lesson for me...



Gonna finish my post here, thanks all for reading. Happy Weekend...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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All images used are captured by the author...


Nice place, and Delightful foods. I've never tried Peking duck cuisine yet and I think its tasteful based on the photo. Thank you for sharing.


This dish is really tasty if you are open to eating something different. Asian foods are always tasty (most of them) and this one was not exceptional. Thank you for stopping by, have a nice weekend...


I will note this one, thank you again for sharing 😊.


I'm sorry to hear about being ill most of the time and I honestly hope you will begin the new year in a better shape, without the unhealthy condition and all the mental struggle!

I've never been to Amsterdam even if I have a friend living there but the city always caught my interest which is also why I think you did a great job with those pictures!


I really hope I stay healthy and end this year properly otherwise it will be a pity. Right now my only concern is my migraine and I believe I need to see a doctor for that.

You should put Amsterdam on your travel list, you won't regret 😀


You definitely should! Migraines are such a common symptom from little things like vision problems to some serious diseases.

You should put Amsterdam on your travel list, you won't regret 😀

I will! Promise 🤗


Migraines are such a common symptom from little things like vision problems to some serious diseases.

Exactly, Thank you so much and I wish you a great week...


Your photos are really pretty. And that duck looks good but omg that's so much food. I feel like I could eat it all though. Let me know if you need help.

I have been sick almost every other day; coughing, and sneezing all the time with a painful migraine headache.

Have you had your place tested for mold? Mold allergies can feel like nonstop flu, and it IS really wet there... we have that problem here in the Pacific Northwest because of all the rain we get. Certain kinds of mold spores have to be taken care of by the landlords because they can cause long term toxicity.


that's so much food

That's not so much to be honest. It looks a lot but it's not because the meat amount of the duck is not so much 😛. Ah we should have tasted that food when we met each other but yea, time was short...

Have you had your place tested for mold? Mold allergies can feel like nonstop flu, and it IS really wet there...

I see, I will look into it because I didn't know about it (mold). But as far as I know, it's because of the weather and rain. Unfortunately, we don't have a heater and we are not allowed to have a heater in our room. I always get wet whenever I go out due to rain and wet cold. I need medicines for my migraine except for paracetamol...

they can cause long term toxicity.

OMG!! That's horrible...


No heater??? 😤! ❄️ I'm a total space heater addict in the winter. I would not survive there.

Getting an air purifier with a hepa filter could be a good option. I have two in my studio apartment, one in the main area and one in the bathroom. Other people in the complex have mold complaints but so far I haven't seen any blooming in my unit. It also cuts down a little on the animal odors, which I appreciate. (Emphasis on a little. 🙄)


Getting an air purifier with a hepa filter could be a good option.

I have one small diffuser and I guess I will turn it on today because I am having a dry cough today and the room is so dry. But I don't have an air purifier yet. I know it is so helpful but I didn't buy it yet because I don't know where I am gonna go next. Still my living situation is so unstable...


That makes sense. The one I have in my bathroom is pretty portable, about the size of a large toaster.
Ooooooo do you put essential oils in your diffuser?


Sinusitis and migraine are bloody painful so you have my sympathies. I'm one of those weird people who like winter. I tend to take vitamin d all year round but take more during the winter months.

I'm off to play in the snow. If I'm lucky I can pinch a sledge off an unsuspecting child. 😄


Sinusitis and migraine

They cause enormous pain when both of them visit me together, I always have to take 2-3 hours of sleep in the dark just to reduce the pain. Otherwise, I start vomiting until my stomach is empty.

I like snowy winter (the dry one) because my body is habituated to dry cold, not wet cold. Almere weather is wet and cold because always rainy and a lot of moisture in the air. I always come home wet, mostly in my jacket, and hat and it's not good. I miss snow, Gigi used to love snow.

The holiday season is here so enjoy the snow, I will just enjoy the snow on Hive and social media :D


Yes, the weather can be problematic to people. The cold air sets my asthma off, so I understand. I hope the weather is kind to you and keeps dry.


This place looks super tasty!! I’m close now so I can try to take a trip and have a nice dinner there. For sure I’ll do it the day I visit the Netherlands! Thanks a lot for sharing!


Try Peking duck with white rice if you haven't tried it before. It's really nice if you want to taste something different. You will find a lot of restaurants in Amsterdam but I suggest you check this China street as well. You will find this same food in Dan Haag as well... :D


Thank you for those tips!!


It's a great place, the food looks delicious


The food was good, especially the Peking duck. It is a great dish to taste. Thank you so much, have a nice weekend...


I can understand work is important, but take care of yourself too. I know winters for sinusitis is just more than hell. But 'm happy that still you enjoyed your food. Anyways food looks delicious.... again Take care of yourself...


Exactly, those who have sinusitis, suffer a lot in winter. I am habituated to the cold season but winter in Almere Netherlands means not only icy cold but it is very windy, rainy, and wet cold which is very harmful to health. I personally love snowy winters but rainy cold winters, no that's not me. Every time whenever I go out, I come back home with a wet jacket and hat. The food was really good.

Thanks for your concern and thank you for reading my post. Take care...


Hello @priyanarc
I love how you capturing the surronding area. But sorry for the bill. Yeah the noodles has price you need to pay extra for that not including in the duck menu.

I hope you feel better and better in your way. Take care


Thank you for reading and yes, that's my mistake, I should have understood that I ordered noodles separately which was not on the menu set. Rookie mistake and next time like I said, I will be careful before ordering anything extra.

I wish you a good week, thanks for your time...


Chinese food is one of my favorites, the duck looked great. I sincerely hope your health improves soon. Take care.


Have you tried this Peking duck before? It's really tasty and delicious...


I haven't been able to try the duck yet, but the other dishes I've eaten are always the ones I've enjoyed the most.


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