Dealing with health problem


Hello everyone, Good morning and welcome to my blogs

It is difficult to face health related problems, particularly those that affect one academically or in his or her future career plans. In this regard, I have been struggling for the last few days with the issue of health that has affected an individual in their daily life and especially the aspects concerning school. It’s quite tough to deal with school if the body is not functioning properly, and added to the concern is the pressure of catching up when it is too late.


The issues with my health began as mere offense but have developed into considerable problems. The constant physical symptoms that I have suffered from have been exhausting and have prevented me from completing my plans towards my schoolwork. These issues have caused me some tension and concern for my education’s eventual negative impact. It’s war every day because, although my health is ever changing, each day I have to try to strive for some normality.

This has made me reconsider what is most significant in my life. Education Above All has always been my motto, but then, when health is an issue, the outlook is moving on less. Balance is something that I have come to appreciate and accept that there is more to achieving good grades than just studying. There is the aspect of health that one must consider. This is quite disheartening since it feels like all these dreams I wish to pursue are slowly being taken away from me due to factors that I cannot influence.


Lately, I have concentrated on recovery and I have made an effort in this regard. This encompasses searching for medical assistance, complying with treatment protocols, and adjusting habits to facilitate healing. Furthermore, I appreciate the need to listen to my body and even give myself permission to cease working. Though it is a gradual process, I am doing my best to restore my strength and go back to school and study as I am supposed to.

In this respect, the support of friends and family has and continues to be a great resource for me. They know how to handle me and always say that today is enough only for today and nothing more, and that it is fine to ask for assistance. Their kindness helps soften one of the burdens I carry about running with the school. I have also found people from different parts of the world on the internet who are also going through the same process which gives me some sense of belonging and helps with the feeling of being alone.


I want recovery in order to return to school, because I want an education but also because I want my life to have some likeness of normality once again. I am aware of the challenges ahead but I will strive to meet them. Ensuring my health comes first, I believe that in time I will be able to come back in the classroom and realize my academic aspirations.

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