Bugfix: Bro Bang 0.8.33 Published | Problem with scaling solved which caused pins in the air during forced spawn waves


The awesome @lorddiablo worked together with me on a very ugly bug the last days. And @teooo gave me hint, too, where a unintentional aspect of the game is lurking. So I solved both (at least Teo's thing; Lord still have to test it, but I am almost pretty sure that this bug is solved now...

• Scale of the gaming machine reset to 1.
For you everything looks the same. But in the past the scale was at 0.8. This caused wrong references in the script part when the game came to the part of "forcing pin spawn waves". At the end this brought up wrong calculations and lifted the pins into the air.

Furthermore I changed some calculations within the spawn mechanism to a fix reference point. This should serve as a double check to assure that the pins spawn at the right place. Plus now the scale thing is solved... I really assume this repaired the bug @lorddiablo discovered .

• The bazooka was already available, kind of. This was unintentional. Fixed.
And because the bazooka wasn't set op in his movement pattern, @teooo was able to score incredible high points. The bazooka is blocked again - how it should be actually. (Yes, the bazooka will come into the game later, don't worry about...)

I like to mention: He asked if we want to reset/delete these games and I left this decision to him (because everyone was able to discover this bug and use it for the own advantage; Teo did not do anything wrong and it was my fault that the bazooka was already usable [kind of]): he said "yes, let's delete them". This is a very correct & fair behavior. And because of this I like to mention this. So if you like to build up your social interactions on the Hive Blockchain, @teooo seems a very valid person for this. Give him a follow & support the correct persons on the chain!

• In forced pin waves you have to hit 15 pins, instead of 5.
This wasn't a bug, but a game mechanism which brought a strategy into the game, which I (and most player) don't prefer. But there is more with this topic:

With the beginning of the next event I will eliminate the "forced spawn waves"...

... and you will be game over if you missed 5 regular spawn waves. Why? Several reasons:

A) Some player skip the regular waves and wait for the more calculatable forced spawn waves - and as soon as they reach this phase of the game they collected more levels until this moment, which give higher bonus points when you hit pins in a regular or forced spawn wave. So some players just skipped the regular waves and waited... This is not in the intention of the game.

B) It is obvious that when people score 5000, 10000 or even more than 20000 points it is very hard for the other players to compete with that. Not only in the relation to their skill, but more important in relation to the needed time to play a game & score to high ranks within a game. This will not eliminate the skill - skillful players will still have their benefit of their skills, but it doesn't affect in a unproportional way. But more on that in the next article of @brobang (which will be the event ranking table, I assume.)

That's it for the moment...

Do you have any questions? Have you discovered any bug or sub-prime behavior? Report it - and I'll reward your report. As well as constructive criticism.

Greetings from Paraguay!

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Rock 'n' Roll & Hive a great day!

Postings from me or CryptoCompany within the last 7 days:

LIL: 3 Gift Boxes for the Let's Make a Collage Community & for Fans and Designers
LIL: 10 Palms for the Let's Make a Collage Community & for Fans and Designers
The publishing of the main game is coming closer... Aaaaand...
Changes: Bro Bang Version 0.8.31 Published | The update we ALL waited for (I assume)...
Bugfix: Bro Bang Version 0.8.29 Published | Missing pin when game restart was made to fast
Bugfix: Bro Bang Version 0.8.27 Published | Missing Pins & Performance Improvements, Better Zombie Cam, This & That



Keep up the great work guys 👍 !BBH🤩 !LOLZ
