Hey! and ¿Who Are You?

Your Face Belongs to Us

I've already written about this subject many times before. And I'm gonna do this thing one more time, simply because in my opinion there are many people out there who mindlessly are publicly doxxing themselves innecesarily everywhere and exposing stupidly their actual true private identities online at the reach of anyone.

Most of the time only with the intention, ambition, greed or hope of achieving their 15 minutes of fame in front of complete strangers on the internet and even more frequently and often in the quest of barely managing to scrape together a few cents that allow them to scarcely climb a few notches in their level of welfare and standard of living.

A very serious and notorious issue that can be observed very frequently here in Hive and that is unfortunately being encouraged and promoted by the honchos of Hive from long time ago. By demanding and requiring to its new and old members to reveal such private information if they really want or wish to be well regarded within the community and even better considered within the monetary ecosystem in general.

But ¡Watch out! folks. That through this witless and imprudent effort in trying to generate and earn barely just few cents in these popularity contests online, the price to pay can be and will be much more expensive, counterproductive and contrary to your interests. A high price that you will have to pay much sooner and before than you could imagine.

Since hacking you, suplanting you, impersonating you, replacing you and usurping your identity from everywhere in the world is no more a science fiction story nor a distant fantastic dystopia that is only seen in Hollywood movies. In addition, to also risk in becoming into a naive victim and easy target of deception, fraud and theft by those who can already know everything about you instantly with just a brief glance because you have stupidly made it too easy for them to know everything about you.

Yeah, I suspect that if you have already «clicked» where you should have «clicked» in this post and if you have read with absolute attention what I have written so far, there is probably no need for me to continue wasting written words on what I want you to understand today once and for all.

By which from now on, I will limit myself to only showing you, demonstrating to you and convincing you why under no circumstances should you continue doing what you so foolishly are probably already doing. I hope you enjoy the audiovisual lesson!


You may well have guessed that today's article is only the simplest and most understandable of a series of three articles about Hidden Tech that I plan to publish in the coming days. The next two articles will certainly be much more obscure, deep, unknown and forbidden technologically speaking. Although nevertheless, they will be very closely related to this article today. So stay tuned folks, because it's sure you're gonna learn a ton of new things that you'd like to know and really you should know. So, meanwhile, just enjoy, analyze and reflect on the info of what has been presented and offered here today and until the next post buddies.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



So glad I don't even have a phone... And Few know the name They gave Me when I was born. Haven't used it online for... 20+ years. Haha! Thanks for this amd I hope People wake up!


Hey! good for you bro. :)

Now just fill the form below to be thoroughly sure that you are completely anonymous, untraceable and invisible for the powers that be. ;o)

Security Check.jpg

Haha! Thanks for this amd I hope People wake up!

You are welcome bro. And yeah, many more people really should wake up!


LOL! Love the "check!" Working on waking up the world!

And though I seldom correct, because pronouns and such are pretty irrelevant online, humbly, I'm "Sis." Haha!


I'm "Sis." Haha!

Oh! good to know you are a Sis! ;)

Because for some unknown reason since around 2017, I always thought you were a Bro. LoL


And by the way, Thanks for the reblog!


I'm an old lady sis... LOL! 67 years young. Rather wish I looked like that sis You put a pic of there... Haha!

Most welcome!


LOL! 67 years young.

Oh! then just a couple of lustrums younger than certain hunk with long silver hair and a white long beard that some around here call the pink-clad Cranky Gandalf. LoL

Rather wish I looked like that sis You put a pic of there... Haha!

I'm sure that's exactly how you look to me today. And I'm not gonna show you an updated photo of me now, because then you'll fall in love!

Most welcome!

Likewise dear! :)


We certainly agree on this topic. It’s pretty wild what people will put out there and think it’s ok. There’s a bit difference between being private and hiding things. People don’t truly need to know their information. A while back a hive engine group was promoting doxxing your identity as a way to be part of the group. No fucking way. Plenty of people went through with it sadly but that left a real mark on me these many years later.

Never mind the tech in the glasses and shit.


We certainly agree on this topic.

I'm glad for that bro. :)

It’s pretty wild what people will put out there and think it’s ok. There’s a bit difference between being private and hiding things.

It is true. And I think that many who do it because they say they have nothing to hide and therefore they take shelter behind the motto "He who does not owe nothing, does not fear nothing" they all should be considered as blind religious fanatics. :D

A while back a hive engine group was promoting doxxing your identity as a way to be part of the group.

Ah yeah, advantages, privileges, perks, giveaways, gifts for being part of a group. What supreme priests are not those who offer you the heaven, its 15 virgins and an eternal life of pleasures and free sex if you only agree to immolate yourself by pressing a button on a belt full of dynamite?

Plenty of people went through with it sadly but that left a real mark on me these many years later.

Oh yeah, those supreme priests know very well there are still many fools willing to buy their fantastic "ka-boom" tale.

Never mind the tech in the glasses and shit.

LoL, the tech in the glasses is just the beginning. Just wait for the real shit to hit the fan.
