Excuse me! but I can't give you more than I can give you.

I'm sorry, but I can't entertain you as well as I would like and I can't make you think as much as we want without a proper internet connection. So, if you are in the mood to read something worthy, better you «click» here to read a good article about what this post of mine will be about. And perhaps «click» here also to round out better this prickly subject.

«-Opportunities Stolen-»

From my part tonight, unfortunately I think I can only keep you entertained and make you think for barely a tiny fraction of the two hours in a row that I should be able to do it in a highly educational and audiovisual way. The choice is all yours. Me being you, I would not allow anyone to steal my opportunities to know more.

¡Stare Into The Lights My Pretties!

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Cranky Gandalf

