Happy Pi day! What is Pi , and why it is so important?


Alright, dude, imagine you're into basketball, right? Pi is like the secret sauce that makes the game work smoothly. Picture the basketball court as a giant pizza pie. Now, when you measure the distance around the pizza crust and divide it by the diameter straight across, you always end up with the same number, no matter how big or small the pizza is. That special number is pi, usually written as 3.14.

(AI generated)

3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510... and more of it ...
As of my last update, pi has been calculated to trillions of digits. However, it's difficult to provide an exact number because the calculation of pi continues to be refined and expanded over time by mathematicians and computer scientists.

Pi is apparently long number. We tend to agree the tail goes forever.

Now, let's switch gears to something with wheels, like your bike. You know how you measure the circumference of a bike wheel? Well, if you divide that distance by the diameter of the wheel, you'll get pi again! It's like this magical number that pops up whenever you're dealing with circles or anything circular, whether it's a bike wheel, a pizza, or even the rim of a basketball hoop. Pi is everywhere in the world of circles, man, and it's super important for all sorts of cool stuff in math and science.

Why only 3.14 matters?

Ah, good question! So, when we write pi as 3.14, we're just rounding it off. But here's the thing: pi actually goes on forever and ever without repeating any pattern. It's like a never-ending party of numbers!

We usually round it to 3.14 because it's a handy shorthand that's pretty close to the actual value. But if you need to be more precise, you can use more digits of pi. Scientists and mathematicians often use computers to calculate pi to billions of digits!

In most cases, though, 3.14 is totally enough to get the job done. It's like a reliable friend you can always count on when you're dealing with circles. So, while pi technically goes on forever, 3.14 is usually all we need to keep things rolling smoothly.

Why is this important?

Because you can calculate how much donut is in your donut and whether you are being raped by your local bakery.


That's cool, I didn't know about the pi day! 😄 Happy Pi day to you too, so ! May maths be with you 😌
