RE: Why We Need Heretics in Science


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I have zero tolerance for ignorance. I will feel not a single synapse of sympathy for people who are having a difficulty adjusting to the truth, because the truth was shoved down my throat and I was told I would be punished if I spoke about these things again as a child. This probably is lead to PTSD is an adult in a mild sense, where I struggle with cognitive dissonance and mental health issues every time someone brings up one of these messed up theocratic religions that's led to the most atrocious parts of human history and the most violent war is that ever happened we're all in the name of a God.


So many terrible things have been done in the name of God, regardless of religion. Dogmatic intolerance in any ideology is dangerous. Whether it be in science or religion. The population of this world has been programmed by their environment- through both the chosen and un-chosen stimulus. Our individual source codes are defined by our own intention and innovation of ourselves.

We've been given the keys to our own Kingdom in our ability to re-write our own source code through which we can decipher the facts of the world from the fiction of the prescribed narrative.

When peeking past the veil, or up Lady Liberty's copper cladded skirt, I'm inclined to remind myself that I'm only seeing things from one perspective and in one time. Before the copper patina ever formed from the elements, she was once a different lady all together in a different world.

I appreciate you sharing your raw and uninhabited opinions. Keep digging.


its so refreshing to actually consider people intelligent in a online forum, I have completely removed Facebook from my life and the interactions are so much different on hive, than even reddit like it is compared to on a up/down vote with karma system basis.


Truth. I don't really use social media for social platforms any more. Every tool has its'use. I've found hive to be a much better place for intersections and the sharing of ideas as well.
