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I don't think they want it, but rather that they are incapable of imagining that these things could ever happen. Their powers of observation and reason have been disabled by many means. Hollywood is one of these means. By producing dystopian films, folks are convinced that those events could not happen in their reality, so they don't recognize it when it does. There are, of course, many other ways our reasoning has been corrupted, public education chief among them. Flouride in the water is another. MSM of course. I do not know why some of us see through all this. I do know I went for hypnotism once, and I could not be hypnotized. Perhaps it has something to do with that.


Okay - so not their conscious 'they' want it, but their unconscious.

I do not think that reserving the victim role for them is making anything better or helping them at all.
Rather makes their situation even worse.
Also victims often feel empowered to be allowed to be the new perpetrator.

Mostly victim role is also used by narcissists and psychopaths.
So that their real victims cannot claim that role.

(so I mostly differenciate between victim role [mostly Perpetrator, offender, narcissist] AND Affected/ Impacted [so basically the real victim] - the word victim is basically burned and mostly used by offenders..)

I fear unconscious masses are already entangled into these psychological abysses.

Hmm. I also do not know why some are mostly unaffected by it all.
But I guess: it is about learning and lections for the soul

this world is a crazy experience and learning place
everything is happening at the same time - the best and the worst

someone is having a luxury dinner and at the exact same time someone just a 100m apart is searching the trash to survive

I've been on both sides for some time - now struggling to get me and my little part (the chased away half) of the family through this shit


good point about the "victims." We could call them collaborators now. There are so many of us pointing out the fallacies, inconsistencies and outright lies, that anyone still engaging is perpetuating the conditions that will make all of our lives very difficult, have already made all of our lives difficult.

I never felt victimized. When I look at some of the things I still do (pay taxes for one), I know I have collaborated too. It's time to stop.

I'm sorry you have been chased away. While most of my family of origin, and the family I started myself, are collaborators, they have not chased me away. When they told me I could come to an event but I, unlike the collaborators, would have to take a covid test and wear a mask, I declined the invitation. That was the last time anyone set me apart. Of course it remains to be seen what will happen when that shtf again.


Hard reality but earth/ universe is doing everything to make it happen...

because it really matters to it to know what will happen - instead of just potential what-could-happens

It depends on this to find out
