Identifying Organisms🔬 / Identificando organismos📚🧠

Greetings friends addicted to science! today we are going to identify all the living organisms that I find in this "body of water" it caught my attention for some characteristics, first of all the water was totally stagnant and this helps to proliferate a lot of microscopic life but at the same time as you can see the king of food chain here is "a frog" to be more specific the: (Pelophylax Perezi) obviously this species must alter this small ecosystem, since its life cycle ends up being completely aquatic in its "Tadpole" phase, let's see what interesting things we discovered today!🧠🔬📚👨‍🏫

Saludos amigos adictos a la ciencia!! hoy vamos a realizar identificacion de todas los organismos vivos que consiga en este "cuerpo de agua" capto mi atencion por algunas caracteristicas primeramente el agua era totalmente estancada y esto ayuda a proliferar mucha vida microscopica pero al mismo tiempo como puedes ver el rey de la cadena alimenticia aqui es "una rana" para ser mas especifico la: (Pelophylax Perezi) obviamente esta especie debe alterar este pequeño ecosistema, ya que su ciclo de vida acaba por ser totalmente acuatico en su fase de "Renacuajo", vamos a ver que cosas interesantes descubrimos hoy!🧫🔬🧬🕵️‍♂️

Difference between organisms and microorganisms?🔬 / Diferencia entre organismos y microorganismos?🙇‍♂️📚

In my title I emphasize the identification of organisms, but do we know the difference between an organism and a microorganism? probably many of us are associated with these terms because we study them at school, an organism can refer to a simple living being! while a microorganism is a living being that can only be seen under a microscope! in this case I needed to identify life at both "scales", there is a direct relationship between the species that are grouped in the zooplankton and the tadpoles and we are going to see that relationship...🤔😮
En mi titulo hago enfasis sobre identificacion de organismos, pero sabemos la diferencia entre un organismo y un microorganismo? probablemente muchos estamos asociados a estos terminos porque los estudiamos en la escuela, un organismos puede referirse a un simple ser vivo!!! mientras un microorganismo es un ser vivo que solo puede ser visto bajo un microscopio! en este caso necesitaba identificar vida en ambas "escalas", hay una relacion directa entre las especies que se agrupan en el zooplacton y los renacuajos y ya vamos a ver esa relacion...🐸🐸

Identifying Organisms🔬 / Identificando de organismos🙇‍♂️📚

It was to be expected that I would run into some Cuculidae, practically it is the family of "mosquitoes" which are dipteran animals, that is, they have two wings and are also "nematocerans" but few know that the female of the Cuculidae are the only ones that need the blood of mammals to complete their life cycle, instead the male has a diet rich in sugars such is the case of tree nectar, or fruits! We are still in summer and the temperature is excellent for its proliferation!(1)🦟🧠📚
Era de esperarse que me topara con algunos Cuculidae, practicamente es la familia de los "mosquitos" que son animales dipteros osea que tienen dos alas y que tambien son "nematóceros" pero pocos saben la hembra de los Cuculidae son las unicas que necesitan de la sangre de los mamiferos para completar su ciclo de vida, en cambio el macho tiene una dieta rica en azucares tal es el caso del nectar de arbol, o frutas! aun estamos en verano y la temperatura es excelente para su proliferacion!(1)🦟🦟

Here we can see the structures of the mosquito larva that, as you can see in its tail, have a "siphon" with which it can perform gas exchange since they are not like fish... They do not have gills... Finding these larvae is something that interests me because in their larval phase they can eat anything in the water since they are very voracious! therefore we would have here the second individual in the food chain and I know that tadpoles feed on mosquito larvae!👨‍🏫🧫🔬
Aqui podemos ver las estructuras de la larva del mosquito que como puedes ver en su cola tienen un "sifon" con el que puede realizar el intercambio gaseoso ya que no son como los peces... No tienen branqueas... Encontrar estas larvas es algo que me interesa porque en su fase larvaria pueden comer cualquier cosa dentro del agua ya que son muy voraces! por tanto tendriamos aqui el segundo individuo en la cadena alimenticia y se que los renacuajos se alimentan de las larvas de mosquitos!🦟🧠😮🐸

The mosquito larva and plastics🔬 / La larva de mosquito y los plasticos🙇‍♂️📚

I knew that mosquito larvae help create ecological control within aquatic ecosystems, and I also knew that they were tiny "larvae" that ate a lot, but being so voracious that they also eat plastic is something very interesting, in this scientific article you can read a work done at the "University of Reading" where they measured the amount of microplastic that was consumed by a group of mosquito larvae! only there is a problem... The larvae eat plastic, then the mosquito in its adult phase defecates microplastic when it flies, this in the end is also synonymous with contamination! even the adult when he flies carries plastic inside him... Which also ends up contaminating other environments.... It is more an interesting topic than a solution to pollution!🤔😮😥😨
Sabia que la larva de los mosquitos ayudan a crear un control ecologico dentro de los ecosistemas acuaticos, y tambien sabia que eran diminutas "larvas" que comian bastante, pero ser tan voraces que comen tambien el plastico es algo muy interesante, en este articulo cientifico podras leer un trabajo realizado en la "Universidad de Reading" donde midieron la cantidad de microplastico que era consumida por un grupo de larva de zancudos! solo que hay un problema... Las larvas comen plastico, luego el zancudo en su fase adulta cuando vuela defeca microplastico esto a la final tambien es sinonimo de contaminacion! aun el adulto cuando vuela lleva plastico dentro de el... Que tambien acaba por contaminar otros ambientes.... Es mas un tema interesante que una solucion a la contaminacion!🕵️‍♂️📚🦟🦟🔬

I think it's the first time on the platform that I register an ostracode of this genus! they are too strange animals and they even look like small mollusks! They are small in size but something that caught my attention about them is that they can be seen without using a microscope!🤯🙇‍♂️😨
Creo que es primera vez en la plataforma que registro un ostracodo de este genero! son animales demasiado extraños y hasta parecen pequeños moluscos! son de pequeño tamaño pero algo que llamo mi atencion de ellos es que pueden ser vistos sin usar microscopio!📚🕵️‍♂️🔬🤔

I am 98% sure that it is the species Cypricercus affinis because of its similarity with my identification guide and because of the characteristics, according to my book they are "light yellow, or greenish yellow" in color, this particular species is yellow as you could see in the photos! and the key feature is that "it has a large dark spot under the eye" which also coincides with this photographed specimen! its measurement: (1.2mm in length).🔬🕵️‍♂️📚
Tengo un 98% de seguridad que se trata de la especie Cypricercus affinis por su similitud con mi guia de identificacion y por las caracteristicas, segun mi libro son de color "amarillo claro, o amarillo verdoso" esta especie en particular es amarilla como pudistes notar en las fotos! y la caracteristica clave es que "tiene una gran mancha oscura debajo del ojo" cosa que tambien coincide con este ejemplar fotografiado! su medida: (1,2mm de largura).🙇‍♂️🧠🧫

According to my identification book this species can be seen in any type of water, being the months of May and April very predominant! they have a foot that works as a cleaner, they are very fast animals and their way of swimming is (continuous) they have two legs that give them momentum! the females are very easy to see and instead the male is a "mystery", the males have tweezers that they use to hold the female for "reproduction".😮🧫🧠🙇‍♂️
Segun mi libro de identificacion esta especie puede ser vista en cualquier tipo de agua, siendo los meses de mayo y abril muy predominantes! tienen un pie que funciona como limpiador, son animales muy veloces y su forma de nado es (continuo) tienen dos patas que le proporsionan impulso! las hembras son muy facil de ver y en cambio el macho es todo "un misterio", los machos tienen unas pinzas que utilizan para sujetar a la hembra para "la reproduccion". 📚🔬😨

The feeding of these animals ends up being more "scavenger and filter" is in particular the photograph feeding on a dead mosquito larva! They are not predators, therefore they end up being below the food chain of this body of water and would be the food of mosquito larvae and tadpoles!👨‍🏫🕵️‍♂️😮
La alimentacion de estos animales acaba por ser mas "carroñera y filtradora" esta en particular la fotografie alimentandose se una larva de mosquito muerta! no son predadores por tanto acaban por estar debajo de la cadena alimenticia de este cuerpo de agua y serian el alimento de las larvas de mosquito y los renacuajos!🧫📚🔬

Strange behavior🔬 / Un comportamiento extraño🙇‍♂️📚

To say that they are "sociable" animals would be somewhat exaggerated because there is no proven interaction. However, I had never seen an animal of this genus that gathers in groups... Is this a protection mechanism? Is it really some kind of animal interaction? I was researching and I didn't get anything that explains if the ostracods were sociable! so it's a mystery to me!🤔🧠🤯
Decir que son animales "sociables" seria algo exagerado porque no hay una interaccion probada.. Sin embargo nunca habia visto un animal de este genero que se reunise en grupos... Es esto un mecanismo de proteccion? en realidad es algun tipo de interaccion animal? estuve investigando y no consegui nada que explique si los ostracodos eran sociables! por tanto es un misterio para mi!📚🔬

It is very strange that after checking many drops of water I only got ostracods! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! but after reading this title "The ostracods the all terrain of nature" I ended up understanding that they are very resistant organisms and that their reproduction is very successful despite being the main prey of other animals! something I understood is that this aquatic environment is really hostile... Tadpoles are very voracious animals!📚🤯🧠
Es muy extraño que luego de revisar muchas gotas de agua solo consegui ostracodos! NO ENTIENDO!! pero luego de leer este titulo "Los ostracodos los todo terreno de la naturaleza" acabo por entender que son organismos muy resistentes y que su reproduccion es muy exitosa pese a ser la principal presa de otros animales! algo que entendi es que este medio acuatico es realmente hostil... Los renacuajos son animales muy voraces!🕵️‍♂️🧫🔬

Aquatic plants are important in these ecosystems because they first take advantage of solar energy to create their own food and end up being self-sufficient, they do not depend on anything to live! they are also important for the feeding of the ostracods, for their reproduction since they lay eggs on the leaves, they serve as a refuge and hiding place for tadpoles and adult frogs! They help maintain a chemical balance in the water! WITHOUT THESE ALGAE LIFE WOULD NOT BE THE SAME...🕵️‍♂️🧠🤯
Las plantas acuaticas son importantes en estos ecosistemas porque primeramente aprovechan la energia solar para crear su propio alimento y acaban por ser autosuficiente, no dependen de nada para vivir! ademas son importantes para la alimentacion de los ostracodos, para su reproduccion ya que colocan huevos en las hojas, sirven como refugio y escondite para los renacuajos y las ranas adultas! ayudan a mantener un equilibrio quimico en el agua! SIN ESTAS ALGAS LA VIDA NO SERIA LA MISMA...🤔😨🧠🌱🍃

Then I found myself with this animal that is the penultimate phase of the mosquito! it is the "pupae" state and from here the adult mosquito emerges! You have to be careful because some flies have a certain resemblance to this pupae!😮😮
Luego me consegui con este animal que es la penultima fase del mosquito! es el estado "pupae" y de aqui emerge el mosquito adulto! hay que tener cuidado porque unas moscas tienen cierto parecido con esta pupae! 🦟🙇‍♂️📚

I can summarize in my little experiment that the predominant organisms in this stagnant water are the ostracods and that they play an important role in the ecosystem, functioning as food and also as excellent cleaners. I was not able to identify any other larger species, I saw some rotifers around there. but they were a minority!🔬🕵️‍♂️🤯
Puedo resumir en mi pequeño experimento que los organismos predominantes en esta agua estancada son los ostracodos y que cumplen un importante roll dentro del ecosistema funcionando como alimento y tambien como excelentes limpiadores, no logre identificar ninguna otra especie de mayor tamaño, vi algunos rotiferos por alli pero eran una minoria!🔬📚🙇‍♂️


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Referencias bibliograficas / Sources:






  6. Atlas de los microorganimos

Para citas directas: "" / For direct quotes use: ""

most of the biological and descriptive information was extracted from wikipedia and is indicated by the use of: ""


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 122 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I always appreciate it when you share lovely contents like this.


This was a packed experience. Gosh, I hate seeing anything that resembles mosquitos.

!discovery 43


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