Classic car exhibition (Car history) 🧠/ Historia del automovil🚙🚕🚓🚗

These are those activities where many of us identify ourselves, when we visit exhibitions of old cars it is as if we were taking a tour throughout history and in a "local or land", we can see how automobiles have evolved since they were invented more than two centuries ago! Without more to add, join me in my experience to see beautiful vehicles and learn a little more about the evolution of cars!🚕🛺🚙🧠

Estas son de aquellas actividades donde muchos de nosotros nos identificamos, cuando visitamos exposiciones de carros antiguas es como si hicieramos un recorrido a lo largo de la historia y en un "local o terreno", podemos ver como fueron evolucionando los automoviles desde que fueron inventados hace mas de dos siglos! sin mas que agregar acompañame en mi experiencia para ver hermosos vehiculos y conocer un poco mas la evolucion de los autos!🤯👨‍🏫🕵️‍♂️📚

Se estima que hay mas de "1.2 billones de vehiculos circulando en nuestro planeta! actualmente en Portugal se estima que hay entre 2 o 3 carros por familia! si investigaramos por internet nos topariamos con que los vehiculos fueron la invension mas exitosa que creo el "hombre" como medio de transporte terrestre! la palabra "automovil" significa que se "mueve por si mismo" obviamente esta de mas resaltar que gracias a la "revolucion industrial" fue que se pudieron construir los vehiculos!🤩😱🚙📚
It is estimated that there are more than "1.2 billion vehicles circulating on our planet! Currently in Portugal it is estimated that there are between 2 or 3 cars per family! If we investigated the internet we would find that vehicles were the most successful invention created by the " man" as a means of land transportation! The word "automobile" means that it "moves by itself" obviously it is worth noting that thanks to the "industrial revolution" it was that vehicles could be built!👨‍💻👨‍💻🙇‍♂️

I was reading that "James Watts" was the creator of the steam engine and thanks to him it was possible to build steam trains! but steam machines were also used to try to create the first cars! however, we must advance a few years until we reach the nineteenth century where electricity appears and finally these means of transport begin to gain importance in society!🕵️‍♂️😱👨‍🏫
Estuve leyendo que "James Watts" fue el creador de la maquina a vapor y gracias a ella fue que se logro construir los trenes a vapor! pero tambien se empleo las maquinas a vapor para intentar crear los primeros automoviles! sin embargo debemos avanzar algunos años hasta llegar al siglo XIX donde aparece la electricidad y por fin estos medios de transportes comenzan a ganar importancia entre la sociedad!⚡⚡⚡

The need to travel long distances was what led us to create the automobile, however it was not the first thing to be created to help us with that need! first we created carts with animals that were capable of taking us through roads, of course the power of transport at that height "depended" on the capacity of the animal! When mechanization arrives, along with the industrial revolution, we leave animals aside and start working with resistant materials to create the first car!😍🤔🤔
La necesidad de desplazarnos grandes distancias fue lo que nos llevo a crear el automovil, sin embargo no fue la primera cosa en ser creada para ayudarnos con esa necesidad! primero creamos carretas con animales que eran capaces de llevarnos por medio de caminos, claro la potencia del transporte en esa altura "dependia" de la capidad del animal! cuando llega la mecanizacion, junto con la revolucion industrial dejamos los animales aun lado y comenzamos a trabajar con materiales resistentes para crear el primer automovil!😁😁😅

The first vehicle to be built was in 1885, it was the "Benz Patent-Motorwagen" model, this was thanks to Mr. Benz who would create the first car model and that his wife would have the privilege of driving it a few kilometers! It is believed that it reached 80 km / h, and of course in 1886 Mr. Benz patented it as his great invention!👨‍🦳👩‍🦳
El primer vehiculo en ser construido fue en 1885 fue el modelo "Benz Patent-Motorwagen" esto fue gracias al señor Benz quien crearia el primer modelo de automovil y que su esposa tendria el privilegio de conducirlo algunos kilometros! se cree que alcanzaba los 80 km/h, y claro en 1886 ya el señor Benz lo patentaba como su gran invento!🧠🙇‍♂️

However, there are historical records that state that Mr. "Cugnot had created a model of automobile that was powered by steam! According to his plan, the engine was built with "two vertical cylinders" "and fifty liters of displacement" incredible, right? It's like imagining a steam train but on a miniature scale for four people and made of wood with a copper container!📚👨‍💻🕵️‍♂️
Sin embargo hay registros historicos que expresan que el señor "Cugnot habia creado un modelo de automovil que era impulsado con vapor! segun su plano el motor fue construido con "dos cilindros verticales" "y cincuenta litros de desplazamiento" increible no? es como imaginar un tren a vapor pero en escala miniatura para cuatro personas y realizado en madera con un recipiente de cobre!💨💨💨

Between the years 1832 and 1839 the first electric car was built and it had a great advantage over steam models because they were less noisy and weighed much less! the engine was built with "electric cells that did not have the capacity to recharge", the first electric vehicle that broke a speed record was the "racing car" that drove more than "100km/h".💥💥💥
Entre los años 1832 y 1839 se construyo el primer automovil a electricidad y que tenia una gran ventaja sobre los modelos a vapor porque eran menos ruidosos y pesaban muchisimo menos! el motor fue construido con "celdas electricas que no tenian la capacidad para recargarse", el primer vehiculo a electricidad que batio un record de rapidez fue el "bólido" condujo a mas de "100km/h".⚡⚡

What fascinates me most about visiting car shows is because we see the creativity of people! we can find many old models that were restored, some have 90% original pieces and others are customized to suit the owner and they bring them so that we can admire their work of art!😍🙇‍♂️👨‍🏫
Lo que mas me fascina de visitar exposiciones de carros es porque vemos la creatividad de las personas! podemos encontrarnos con muchos modelos antiguos que fueron restaurados, algunos tienen el 90% de piezas originales y otros son personalizados a gusto del dueño y que los traen para que admiremos su obra de arte!🧠📚🚙🛺🚕🚗

If you visit car shows and think you're only going to go there to see "cars" you're wrong! This hobby has advanced so much that there are private clubs for fans dedicated to brands, models! there are thousands of clubs that meet through social networks and in venues to exhibit their work and learn from each other! also when you don't need the parts of a car you can bring it here and sell it for sure a buyer will value your part!🤩😁⚡
Si visitas las exposiciones de automoviles y crees que solo vas a ir alli a ver "carros" te equivocas! este hobbie a avanzado tanto que hay clubes particulares para aficionados destinados a marcas, modelos! hay miles de clubes que se reunen por redes sociales y en locales para exhibir sus trabajos y poder aprender uno de los otros! ademas cuando no necesitas las piezas de un carro puedes traerla aqui y venderla de seguro un comprador valorara tu pieza!🤑🤑


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To create this post I was inspired by the story dedicated to us by the page "" for direct quotes: "".


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 125 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


The cars are really nice and I like them


Million of cars are been created every day with different shapes and quality.



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