Possible Solutions to the Swollen Feet of an Expectant Mother.

Amongst the changes and discomfort that a pregnant woman feels is swollen feet, changes in the body can become so rapid that it brings serious discomfort.

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If your feet begin to appear puffy and your shoes stop fitting in adequately, you are not imagining things because it is a clear reality. The additional fluid and blood created by the body are aimed at creating support for healthy fetal growth, blood circulation is also reduced, and this will cause blood to accumulate in the lower extremities, leading to swelling.

More relaxin is produced during pregnancy as well, relaxin is a hormone that helps the ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles to relax, and in the same vein, the pelvis is opened for birth, and the tendons and ligaments in the feet are also loosened.

The swelling of feet is unavoidable, but of course, there are coping mechanisms that lots of pregnant women in the past and the present do and use to help relieve the stress on the swollen feet and ankles. While I highlight some of the relives of swollen feet that have been shared by experts, I would like to hear if you have others.

  • Reduction of caffeine intake.
    Occasional intake of caffeine isn't a bad thing for a pregnant woman, but taking excessive caffeine is not healthy for the baby, it will also contribute to the swelling of the feet. Bear in mind that, caffeine is a diuretic that will make you urinate more often and makes the body think it requires more fluid.

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  • Consume more water.
    While you may be wondering how the intake of water i supposed to relieve fluid-filled feet, it surprisingly works. If your body senses that it is dehydrated, it will try to hold on to more fluid to help compensate for the inadequacy. You need to drink about 10 cups of water to help the kidney flush out bad stuff and keep the body readily dehydrated as well.

  • Reduce sodium intake.
    Limiting the intake of salt has proven to help a lot of pregnant women reduce how swollen their feet are. Salt makes it possible for your body to retain extra water, so the more of it that is consumed, the more the body can retain it.

  • Increase in potassium intake.
    Inadequate potassium in the body makes swelling even worse, this is because potassium helps your body balance the amount of fluid it holds. Although prenatal vitamin has some added vitamins that will help you through your pregnancy period, it is however very important to eat some food with necessary potassium, some examples are; bananas, beans, spinach, lentils, beets, yogurt, and salmon.

  • Feet elevation.
    Trying to put your feet up while sitting from time to time will aid circulation, and standing for a long time isn't a great idea too, but when you sit and raise your legs, especially at the end of the day, it will help drain the fluid that has been pooling in your legs all through the day.

  • Wear comfortable, and loose clothes.
    Putting on tight clothes, especially around the wrist, waist, and ankles would worsen the situation.

  • Sleeping on your left side.
    Sleeping on your left side while lying down will improve the flow of blood which will reduce swelling of the feet. Lying on the left side takes the pressure of your uterus away from the inferior vena cava, which is the large blood vessel that returns blood to the heart.

  • Avoid intense exercise.
    Avoiding the heat of the day and vigorous exercises will help you cool off as well as reduce swelling.

  • Walk a bit.
    Walking a couple of times a day is a safe form of exercise during pregnancy, it will help improve circulation and reduce swelling.

  • Put on comfortable shoes.
    You may love your heels, but pregnancy time is not a good time for heels, instead put on comfortable shoes that will aid in the reduction of swelling, as well as prevent hip and back issues.

  • Get your feet wet.
    Getting your feet and ankles immersed in cold water for about 20 minutes at least a few times a week could help minimize swelling, whether it is in a bathtub, bowl, or even a pool.

While swelling may be just normal, definitely not every type of swelling should be considered normal, when it is a sudden or severe type that affects the face, hands, or feet, it may just be a strong sign of preeclampsia.

The third trimester is the most common time to experience swollen feet. The body consistently builds up the supply of fluid and blood, which greatly contributes to swelling, as the baby grows the uterus becomes more heavy which could slow down the flow of blood from the legs back to the heart.

For further studies.






Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.


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