A Woman's Inability to Enjoy Sex;Vaginismus


What happens with the vagina which is the female reproductive system suddenly experiences involuntary tension or muscle contraction? That is where we have what science describes as Vaginismus.

There was a case of a lady who complained about virginal tightness while she was attempting sex with her husband. She complained about painful penetration and tried to avoid any form of sex in whatever way possible.


Vaginismus happens with the muscle of a woman's vagina spams or squeezes when something is entering into it, anything entering into it could be a penis or even a tampon. The spams could be either a little uncomfortable or highly painful.

So many women unfortunately experience vaginismus but are too embarrassed to talk about it. The symptoms of vaginismus may appear during the late teenage years or early adulthood, it could even be experienced first during the first time insertion of a tampon or a pelvic examination by a healthcare provider.

Vaginismus are in two major forms; Primary and secondary form. The primary form is when a woman always experiences pain upon the insertion of anything into her vagina, this includes the penetration of a penis also, and it is also referred to as lifelong vaginismus.

The secondary form of vaginismus, is when a woman has previously had sex without feeling any pain but then it becomes difficult or impossible at some point within the line, this is called acquired vaginismus.

The first displayed sign of vaginismus is painful sex, the pain happens only upon penetration and goes away upon withdrawal, but this is not an everyday thing too as it happens only once in a while. This could also lead to the complete absence of sexual desire as the fear of the pain accompanied by sex continues.

Medical experts are not sure of the main reason behind vaginismus. Its result could lead to physical, sexual, and psychological issues. The presence of yeast infections, bladder infections, and UTIs could worsen the pain associated with vaginismus. Other factors like; previous surgery, anxiety disorders, injuries acquired during childbirth, and negative feelings about sex could contribute to vaginismus.

The treatment of vaginismus is focused on the reduction of muscle reflexes, these are the muscles that make them tense up. The treatment will also focus on the fears and anxieties that could have made a contribution to vaginismus. These treatments are often recommended:

  • Pelvic floor physical therapy, which is a case where the physical therapist will train the patient on how to relax the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Sex therapy: Experts who are trained sex therapist helps couples find pleasure again with their sexual experiences.

  • Vaginal dilator therapy: Vaginal dilators come in a tube-sized shape, and they come in different sizes. Their main aim is to have the vagina stretched. Those who have vaginismus make use of dilators to make them feel comfortable and less sensitive to viganal penetration.

  • Topical therapy: Some compounded creams or topical lidocaine may help ease the pain linked with the condition.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This therapy helps you to understand how your thoughts affect your behaviors and emotions. CBT has been an effective treatment for depression, PTSD, and anxiety.

Vaginismus really affects a person's sex life and by extension their relationships with partners. The mental health of the affected patient is also at stake, resulting in increased anxiety and a delay for those who may be trying to conceive.

Physical risk factors of vaginismus include; poor health, childbirth, stress or anxiety, psychiatric illness, history of urinary tract infection, and family members who have a similar condition.

Psychological and social symptoms of vaginismus could be associated with; emotional issues, sexual or physical abuse, trauma from sexual assault, and trauma from a gynecological examination.










Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. Want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my youtube channel where you can listen and watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.


A lot of women suffer from this but I believe they are under-reported. Hopefully, women will be able to tell doctors and their partners that they have Vaginismus someday.


We must learn to speak up more, a lot of women are going through this but tied with the embarrassment of speaking up.


I decided to ask a question about Vaginismus with my female friends, a lot of them didn't even know such existed. This shows that a lot of women do not know they have this condition.


Some people even attach some type of spirituality to it, and others just avoid sex completely.


I think because of embarrassment, many women who are victim of this won't let open to people. But creating awareness like this one will help them manage the condition


Yes, a lot of women just avoid the topic completely, awareness is very necessary for helping a lot of women.


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