
Each and every life that walks on earth, be it a cockroach, an ant, a rat or any other thing that has life, has value and should be cared for as part of the ecosystem.


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In the food chain, there exist different species different mode in which they hunt. In terms of intelligence, humans are the highest in ranking, thus, our importance is above all other creatures, which makes our survival vital to the planet.

Though humans are the most valued species, there are some other creatures that have similar biological make up like us, humans, which makes it easier for these creatures to be test subjects.

In our world today, there are many different diseases, thousands of these disease that are deadly to not only humans, but also animals of different species. Some of these diseases are deadly and they have a cure but some are not yet known, while some that are known, don't have a cure yet.

In the field of scientific research, there is room for trials and errors. Hypothesis brings about experimenting which, with good results, leads to further research but with bad results, goes back to stage one.

There are many medications that are in existence in our world today, but still, these medications are not enough to perfectly treat all of the health problems there is in our world today. The discovering of new deadly sickness creates room for more research in other to get the suitable medication for combating a particular disease.

It is quite ufortunate that in other to succssfully create a medication that works without possing a threat to the lives of humans, rodents needs to be sacrificed during the proess of research and the like.

Every life is important, so, I would not say that it's actually ethical to take an animal's life in the name of scientific research but then, it is necessary to take an animal's life in the name of scientific research.

The progress of humans is a must even though some people think that humans are killing the planet, but still don't want to be the first to leave the planet.

Think about it, what if there is no guinea pig to use for a test? and we only have humans to use? who would want to be the one that will sacrife themselves for the greater good? would you? if yes, me, i would honestly not want to be a lab rat.


So far, so good, i do not think that there is another way for this kind of thing to be averted. Its like this; in other to get something, a price must be payed, and in this case, in other to get safe medications to heal us, humans, a lab rat needs to be sacrificed for the greater good. Its an honour to guinea pig, because they are saving the lives of greater entities, us, humans.

This is the way life is, even though it seems ruthless, it is for the greater good.

This is my entry for the hivelearners prompt.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



We see that they are used in the medical field and there is no other solution except that if the operations are not checked then human lives will be lost.


That is the only way forward. Welp, unless a robot with the same genetic make up is innovated for the sole purpose of research
