My Regular Rituals/Habits for Well-being



Keeping fit and staying healthy is a priority for everyone these days, which is why we all have daily or regular rituals to maintain our well-being. Here are some habits I have developed to help me stay healthy. Although I am not always consistent with some, I keep trying my best to observe them.





🖊️ Staying Hydrated – This is very important to me. I sweat a lot, so I ensure I stay hydrated by drinking enough water at intervals. I don’t wait until I feel thirsty before drinking; instead, I take water regularly throughout the day.

🖊️ Exercise – Although I am not very consistent with this due to work, I try my best to do a few push-ups every morning. Additionally, every evening or at least every other day, I take a long walk around the nearby streets before coming back home to shower and rest.

🖊️ Arranging My Space – I make it a point of duty to tidy up my space and arrange things before leaving the house, no matter how busy I am. I do this for my sanity because I can’t stand the sight of a scattered room.

🖊️ Good Hygiene – Bathing and brushing at least twice a day is a necessity for me; in fact, it is as important as eating. I also ensure that whenever I go out and return home, I wash my hands before eating anything.

🖊️ Proper Sleep – This is one habit I am still struggling to develop. Sleeping early at night and maintaining a proper sleep schedule is something I keep trying to improve daily. I pray I get used to it soon.

🖊️ Stress Management – I am very intentional about managing stress. I ensure I don’t overwork myself, whether mentally or physically. Also, it is my weekly tradition to sit out in a cool spot with nice music to unwind and relieve unnecessary stress.

🖊️ Mental Health Care – I make it a priority to stay positive daily and interact with friends who are fun to be with and easygoing.

These are the few habits I practice to ensure I stay healthy, sound, and fit for my overall well-being. They have helped me manage stress over time and stay focused. The one I still struggle with is my sleeping habit, but I believe that, with time, I will develop a good sleep routine and reduce my screen time before bed.

Thanks for reading. I am @nsigo1


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Decluttering your space while maintaining good hygiene is indeed a great way to maintain healthy living. Keep up the good work.

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