Hive Sound Iibrary - 2nd May 2024 - Let's catch up

Hi there, it's time to get the sound library back on track and remember you can refer to this project in your own posts or search for older content using the tag #hivesoundlibrary and another thing I need to sort out is some kind of link system, to help me index the sounds in a better way. Possibly the easiest way would be to create a table that grows with each post? I am open to ideas on this, being able to edit posts in this ecosystem is most certainly a very handy feature.

Currently this is very much a one-man project, which is ok, I don't mind that, would a community work? The idea being anyone can contribute sounds to the curated library.

IPFS remains my preferred choice for file storage, Hive working perfectly as the "database" where the metadata for each sound is stored. I looked at Pinata as an option but a cost will come into play quite quickly, so I have reverted to NFT Storage.

I will keep you updated...

Right enough of that, let's go with the option of building a table that gets replicated and extended with each post.

Since I last published one of these posts, I have purchased the SP-404 and a few months later the Digitakt, then for my birthday my wife bought me the Zoom H6 so that we can record sounds whilst out and about etc etc. I use it for recording podcasts, jamming sessions and samples. So versatile, so handy.

It means I've actually got a backlog of audio to go through but here are a few to get things rolling.


Last night I set about writing a melody within a pattern directly on the Digtakt, I had a tune in my head and recorded it across 2 "pages" of a pattern, using track 10, one of the Midi channels hooked up to the external synth (not pictured, it's on the other side of the shelf). I then added a bassline and a simple drum pattern, that I will elaborate on greatly the next time I work on this song.. The recording you hear here is a nice easy mix with some tweaks being made to the external synth and muting, unmuting tracks on the DT, to build up the progression.

A song idea02/05/24#jammingsessionListen to trackA song idea that I was working on last night using the Digitakt and an external synth in tandem. I consider this more of a sketch at the moment but from this I can easily expand on the melody line and build a full track. I am however happy for people to use this in their own videos, on the proviso that they tip me and send me the details of their production!
Out of tune Guitar02/05/24#journal #sp-404Listen to mini podcastYes you read that right. I was testing recording sounds with a Rode microphone attached to the H6 and then routed into the SP-404 to capture it as a sample on one of the pads but it turned into a mini "podcast" of sorts, where I extol the virtues of this setup. The closest thing I could find was the acoustic guitar we recently found, formerly our sons, it's dusty, needs a good polish and a new set of strings.

Thankyou for checking this stuff out, more of these coming up once I have curated the recordings I've got on my devices. I will also add to the "Table" all of the previous sounds and will play around with the index in some way, to organise this and make it as navigable as I possibly can.



My tables don’t work very well in Ecency mobile will need them to be more responsive.
