The Future of Artificial Intelligence In Education


In todays world, technology has advanced so much to its peak and we all know for a fact that the future will and is evolving around technology.

Artificial intelligence as we all know has become a thing now. Machines are programmed to perform tasks that can be performed by human. Let’s look into our education sector. Do you think AI should be allowed and used more often in schools?

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On the side of the students, I will say too much reliance on AI will be bad. Ask me why. Since AI came into being, I have seen most of my mates rely on it in school. Now we don’t even need to go to the library to read text books in order to obtain information. Neither do we also read articles for more information, all you have to do today is pick up your smart phone or pc and go to chat gpt. There you will have all the answers you need with no hustle.

This has made students develop the habit of laziness.Assignments and project works are meant build our knowledge and shape us into great thinkers but now we do not want to use our brains anymore. With all these, I still think AI has positive sides to it. In as much as AI is making students lazy, it’s also offers benefits of personalized learning. Some students find it difficult to comprehend what is being taught in the classroom and they therefore require further studies and guidance. With AI, students are provided with and opportunity to study at their own pace. This in the long run can lead to improved student engagement and better academic outcomes.

On the side of teachers, AI has a lot of potential when it comes to teaching students but I have realized that some teachers are not technology oriented and are stuck to their same old modes of teaching. AI provides a wide range of opportunities for teachers to raise their teaching game. In the technological world where you can even study at the comfort of your home and get a certificate, most of these online courses adopt the use of AI in creating a safe place for their students by creating interactive and immersive learning experiences. This provides students with an opportunity to interact and also dive deeper into what they are studying for a better understanding of the course.

Teachers or lecturers can make use of AI on a whole lot to make their work more attractive and up to date. Sometimes even AI goes wrong at some point and there’s no doubt about it but teachers could make use of AI when it comes to their work by adopting the use of AI to develop learning apps for their students in their absence and also to detect plagiarism. Instead of checking for plagiarism in an article written by your students one sentence at a time, why not just run it through a plagiarism checker and the work will be done. AI can also be used to develop and update educational content. Some lecturer are still found using slides or notes from the 90s and do not bother update them forgetting that the world is evolving everyday and there are always new developments and discoveries.

In as much as AI can enhance education, it can never replace teachers because they are able to communicate with the students and understand their emotions. Teachers can never be taken away from classrooms for AI to be the new teacher but teachers should also learn to use AI effectively and efficiently in their line of work.

To conclude, AI has a transformative potential in education and it may have both positive and negative implications on both teacher , students and the future of learning at large. Therefore, AI should be used rightly to obtain good results.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.


I can’t imagine how I would have completed my project without Chatgpt😂😂

I believe we would eventually get to the point where we are able to blend AI perfectly into our educational systems


Until then, students will keep on being lazy.


AI has both it's good and bad sides.
For teachers especially, it provides them different perspectives to a subject, citing instances too.


That’s very true. It’s sad that it’s students that are making use of AI while teachers don’t even realize the potential of AI


Your exploration of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is thoughtful and comprehensive. Indeed, AI has the potential to transform the education sector in various ways. You've highlighted both the advantages and potential drawbacks of AI in schools.

It's true that AI can provide personalized learning experiences, allowing students to progress at their own pace and providing additional support where needed. On the other hand, as you mentioned, excessive reliance on AI can lead to complacency and reduced critical thinking skills among students.

Your point about teachers adopting technology and integrating AI into their teaching methods is crucial. AI can be a valuable tool for educators, helping them create engaging and interactive learning materials, detect plagiarism, and stay updated with the latest educational content.

Importantly, you emphasize that AI should complement teachers rather than replace them. The human touch in education, including emotional support and understanding, remains irreplaceable. Teachers can harness the benefits of AI while maintaining their unique role in guiding and inspiring students.

In conclusion, your essay provides a well-balanced perspective on the integration of AI in education, highlighting the need for responsible and effective use of technology to achieve positive outcomes. Thank you for sharing your insights on this important topic.


It’s good to see like minded people like myself out there. Thanks for passing by.


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