My Productivity Killers


It is part of human nature to be distracted in one way or the other. There are people out there who can’t focus on doing something for even up to 5 minutes. They always end up leaving whatever they’re doing to do things that are not really important. Personally, I believe it all has to do with self discipline and some rare cases of disorders.

A disciplined person knows when to focus on what’s important and when to lazy about. Imagine having an exam tomorrow morning and you’d stay up all night watching a movie or on TikTok. Doesn’t make sense right? Well, that’s the reality of some people. They always someway somehow lose focus which I’m my point of view is very bad. We all have our distractions but then, what is important is how we manage them and not fall victim them always. Time they say is important and time is money. Time management is very important for every individual and anyone that doesn’t know how to manage his time is bound to be doomed.

I wouldn’t say I have so many distractions since I’m not really the kind of person that likes to leave things undone. Once I set out to do something, I only catch a break when the work is done and I think that’s actually something that has helped me a lot. Regardless, I still have a few distractions.

As they say, you can’t cheat nature and I totally agree with that. I value my rest so much to the extent that no matter what is happening, I make sure to have enough rest. Especially when it comes to studying, better an honest sleep than lying to myself that I’m studying.

Sometimes we know that what we are studying wouldn’t stick due to how exhausted we are but we still refuse to sleep. This can never be me and my life.😂 Any slight feeling of stress and I’m on my bed. Sometimes I even take a 5 minutes nap after every 30 minutes or an hour but we know it always ends up in a more than 5 minutes nap. This is my major distraction.

Moving on, I would say my second top most distraction is books.I remember how I had a huge fight with my dad in high school because I would always prefer to read novels over my school books. I love books and I will always choose books over any other thing.

But, the bad part of my love for books is the fact that sometimes I forget I have other things to attend to . I can get so lost in a book I’m reading I even forget to eat. I can leave whatever I’m doing to just read a page of a particular book but a page would turn to ten pages, then to twenty and God knows how the story ends and the rice on fire gets burnt.😂

At least , these distractions of mine are worth it because I don’t spend my time on TikTok watching other ladies shake nyash when I could be doing other important stuff. But still, we all have to understand that there’s a time for everything and that’s the only way to be productive.

all images belong to me.
