If artificial intelligence created abundance


If artificial intelligence created abundance.

A futuristic vision

Independent AI researcher David Shapiro tried to imagine an economy in a post-AI world wearing Star Trek costumes and a 35-minute presentation that is worth watching, the reference will be at the end.

He presents impressive ideas about what this new reality would be like. Shapiro proposes that AI, if it meets expectations, could create a world where human labor would be unnecessary, but this would not necessarily mean a bleak future. He suggests that if managed Well and clearly, if the AI's do not take control and decide to immediately eliminate biological life, this scenario could free humanity to seek other forms of fulfillment and purpose.

It will change everything we know.

If intelligence and labor become incredibly cheap, a snowball of productivity can trigger AGI-speed advances in science, technology, commerce, communications and robotics that can begin to make extremely rapid and efficient use of energy and resources. creating businesses capable of scaling in unprecedented ways.

Add unlimited robotic work to the mix and the sheer amount of things being made promises an era of abundance, imagine a world where the abundant supply of goods and services thanks to Artificial Intelligence can collapse prices in virtually every sector, however , the Earth will continue to be a finite and increasingly valuable resource.

But what about the goods, services of many companies, they might simply not be worth as much as before, with reduced aggregate demand for trade to work companies need buyers for their products and services, but if a large proportion of the population no longer can earn money from work, unemployment could cause a drastic drop in demand therefore there are incentives in both the private sector and the government to redistribute the “earnings”.

This can occur through universal basic income models, negative tax where any productive human work is rewarded by the government through universal basic services or some other as yet unknown model that can be created in this scenario.

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