Rebuilding Raspibot: component testing


In this post I will talk about testing the components of Raspibot:

The first thing I did was load the lastest Raspberry Pi OS. I then connected a monitor, keyboard and mouse for first boot. I do it this way as it is much easier to setup/test the WiFi connection. I enabled the camera, I2c, ssh and VNC so that I could remotely connect without the monitor, keyboard and mouse. After removing the monitor keyboard and mouse I connected the Crickit, camera module and the four servos. I powered up and tested capturing a photo from the camera and it worked. I followed the Adafruit Learn Guide on setting up the python software and testing the servos.

In the previous post I talked about having problems with on of the drive motors. One of the motors did not run very well at slow speed, so I ordered two more just in case of more problems. OOPs I ordered the wrong device, the one I ordered was not a motor, but a continuous rotation stepper motor. This turned out to not be as big of a problem due to the fact that the Crickit has 4 servo control ports. I am using two for the drive wheels and two for the Camera pan-tilt.

I will talk about how I am powering the Raspibot in my next post.

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