Cold sores, a viral disease



My wife got cold sores 2 days ago. It's embarrassing for him and the lips come out and bruise. So I did a little research on it which is surprising. It is a disease that is recurrent and cannot be completely eradicated.

Another name of cold sore is fever blister. Cold sore is a viral disease. This disease is usually caused by the HSV virus. This disease affects 90% of people worldwide. It's hard to find a person who hasn't had a cold sore. The disease usually occurs on the lips and in some cases may also affect the cheeks. Lips become swollen and look like small discs. The disk is filled with water and when it melts it comes out As a result, there are bruises and redness. In cold sores, the affected area becomes sore and the skin dies. Then there is a problem in eating peppermint food because it is a wound.

When the patient is infected with this virus, the disease manifests itself in about 20 days and it recovers within 1 to 2 weeks. It is not such a terrible disease. However, it can cause serious harm to those who have AIDS because their immune system is very low. Once the disease is contracted, it does not recover completely, but after recovery, the virus remains dormant in the affected area and continues to multiply.

It is a contact-borne infectious disease. The disease can be spread through person-to-person contact, such as kissing someone who is already infected with the disease. Oral sex can spread this disease. Cold sores can occur if everyone shares a cigarette while smoking. If the glass and other items that come into contact with the patient's lips are used without being cleaned by someone else, cold sores can occur.

A cold sore on the lips may cause fever. As this disease is accompanied by fever, it is also called fever blister. Basically cold sores cause fever because the body is already infected with the virus and the amount of virus has increased. To fight the virus, the body raises its temperature, which we call fever.

If you are suffering from cold sore, you should go to the doctor and the doctor can diagnose the disease. And the doctor can give the necessary food medicine and anti-viral ointment. The lips must be kept clean.

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