Reflecting On Science Predictions And The Future


Science can be described as the pursuit of Knowledge and understanding by discovering and describing what is rare and natural around us. Science helps to reveal the truths of the general law around us. Science uses systematic experimentation and also testing of theories to prove the truth behind the evidence obtained.

Photo by Jeremy Müller from Pexels

Personally, I see science as very important to the future of this world. The ability to experiment and research to reveal the truth behind what is yet to be known saves us and also makes us prepare for what is yet to come. Although not all scientific predictions can be accurate because nature can’t be fully understood, we need people like scientists intelligence to help us understand how and why through systematic examination and observations. I have watched videos on YouTube whereby a scientist comes online and says before the end of a particular year the earth will be destroyed some even go as far as describing that a meteorite was going to destroy our planet Earth, but how true can this be, no one knows because we truly don’t know what is outside space.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

The general question everyone has been asking each other both here and there is whether Scientific predictions are accurate and whether they can predict the Future., Or Can the Scientist Peak into the Future?

  • Based on my religious beliefs if I were asked this question above, I would Boldly say “No”, and prove my saying with some historical biblical Proof. The Bible never talked about other planets, Mars, Pluto, Venus, or others the historical bible only describes three places, Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

  • Science can predict the Future same as everyone can also predict the future through instincts and knowledge, but what makes science outstanding in predicting the future is the teamwork and ability to use Historical and present observations of things around us to predict the future, i don't think future predictions can be accurate but can be understood.

  • I believe It is possible for Science to have a peek at the future either through time travel or historical and present prevalence. The aspect of the Unity of different minds coming together to research evidence to reveal if it is true or not is quite outstanding. One major reason why I believe scientists can have a peak into the future is that I believe time travel truly exists, because I have seen some predictions like the simpsons family, Nasa predictions and several other factors and youtubers. Although not all of them are true, but i know sciencist knowledge and understanding supercede an average man understanding because they dive into deeper knowledge and seeking for understandings of what is unknown that is yet to be known.

  • There is one science prevalence of the future that I believe might be true is the aspect of “Artificial Intelligence Robots”, i have watched some movies and read several research and they gets scarier everyday because Artificial intelligence does not have emotional feelings or understanding. I have been hearing and reading some strange news that the future there might be war between Man and Robots, my question is Could this be True?, because we are beginning to embrace the existence of Robotics and Artificial intelligence in our generation.

Regardless of all the negative Odds of the importance of science, the truth is that we still need Existince of science not only for the future but to help us resaerch and perform experiments on the truth and evidence that is yet to be known. Although not all science predictions can be right but we we all still need someone or something to give us directions or reveal to us that which we do not know for us to be able to adapt to the truth and everything.

I believe in science predictions even though some might seems wrong or not revealing, but it gives us insight and direction of what is outside and that which we do not know or understand.

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@mikechrist Greetings, I believe in science and its predictions. I believe in a great scientist who, based only on his theories, made the greatest predictions ever thought of by a human being, the great Albert Einstein, an eminence. I also believe that nature is governed by its own rules and that we do not know many things. I believe that artificial intelligence will have a primary role for humanity and I trust that man will make good use of it. Blessings

0.000 STEM

Truly, science fiction has element of reality in them that allows us to see through them as something that can be relevant to the future ND the present... Great article

0.000 STEM