Reflecting On Fantasy And Prediction Of The Future of Technology

The Future of technology is powerful and capable of all possibilities in several domain of innovation and reality. The future of technology holds so many promises and possibilities. Technology grows every day and more creative new ideas and several innovations of potential advancements are brought in place to shape the world and grow modernization.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

My experience with technology so far has been having so much creative imagination of what the future of technology may look like. Sometimes I try to imagine several possibilities in this imagination whether it could be real or just idealistic. Am a health practitioner, so I have seen so many possibilities and advantages technology can have in health sectors.

I have imagined so many fantasies about what technology may look like. Some might turn out to be truly possible if well put into place. Growing up, I believe nothing is impossible, because we tend to grow every day, and if we don't grow or develop to those standards another generation will. I believe the future of technology will hold so many advantages because technology aims to improve human lives.

Here are some of my fantasies and predictions of what technology is going to be like in the future.


Photo by Gaspar Zaldo from Pexels

My Fantasy About Technology and the Future

  • Transparent Phone; I have imagined the existence of this kind of phone but all my research on it is of veil. My first encounter with it was watching “Nickelodeon”, a children's TV show, where Henry Dangers, a thunderman man used it to receive calls. I believe this will be the future of the phone.

  • Flexible Computers; Most people have often complained that when a computer falls it will break, but I believe in the existence of a flexible computer that can fall and bounce back. A computer that moves like thick soft paper.

  • Feeling Chip; I believe there will be a stimulator to predict the mood of an individual. The feeling chip could lighten up a bad mood and give sad moments depending on the person's desire.

  • An Air computer; The use of a Projector requires a transparent board. But I believe in the future, everything will look real like it is happening around the person. When I talk about thin-air computers I am talking about a screen touch that does not need a sensor to know what to do.

  • A flying and Subcar Car together; I believe this will be possible. I have watched some cartoons that make me want this to happen. Whereby everyone can travel anywhere they want anytime.

Reflecting on what the Future of technology will look like

  1. Robotic, the future will be more of robotics activities than human activities. Very soon all schools and education will learn to adapt to this modern style of technology as it is the future of all work and occupations.

  2. Artificial Intelligence, All learning will be done for this. Less creative ideas will be made from personal initiative and more AI-enhanced knowledge. I see AI as the Future of Technology and the Digital World. All Healthcare, finance, and education will require artificial intelligence in the future.

This is My Entry to #inleo #Julyinleo Day 10, You Can Participate By Clicking Here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I have seen the transparent phones in movies and I’m not so sure that I am even a fan of it. Like just a whole bunch of things run through my mind after hearing about it


😂, you love being secretive with your phone. But it will have an upgrade of it will be compulsory or not


the future will be more robotics but in nigeria


Interesting ideas! I would like to comment on each one:

Transparent Phone: I could see that be achieved quite easily at least if it is only a old school phone and not a modern smartphone. Using transparent material should be possible for everything but the battery and the chip and those can be quite small nowadays.

Flexible Computers: I think making flexible displays and hardware is currently the latest sh*t and I think there are some prototypes oout there. There are already flexible keyboards and bendable displays

Feeling Chip: Neurolink on steroids. Please do not develop this further :D

An Air Computer: They now have projectors where you can use projected keyboards and stuff. But I think those still work with sensors.

A flying and Subcar Car together: I remember this on

but I guess it cant dive yet


Transparent phone, might not be a easy job because of the batteries and panels of the phone. Except if transparent panels and battery and cameras are made, which to me can’t be possible. Except if the front is reflecting at the back

Am not talking about folding. Am talking about laptop that when it falls it can bounce like paper. Imagine a Laptops that bounces like a soft book or hard cover.

I know submarine and flying car can easily be achieved but they wont want to release it, because the Oil and gas industry will be affected and other Car businesses and several other business will be affected if they dont meet up with this modernization


Am not talking about folding. Am talking about laptop that when it falls it can bounce like paper. Imagine a Laptops that bounces like a soft book or hard cover.

Sounds like something Steve Jobs would develop if he was still alive 👍
