Aligning Money With Value

Many at times I have confused what money really is, I concluded that money is a piece of paper that gets you whatever you want and you need a lot of papers to get whatever you want.

But from my recent understanding, Money is whatever you make it. The fear of not having money has driven many people insane including me sometimes. It is still driving me insane if I'm being honest.

Somehow, these days, I'm seeing a new light, I'm perceiving a new reality and with this new self awareness. I can clearly but with a bit of blur how many people have manipulated the system to their advantage.

I don't read that much but by listening to this audio book "The Richest man in Babylon" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad" few years ago, I really understand one core thing Never Work For Money.

That doesn't mean you should relax, play and have fun. I think it means you have to Think and Grow Rich. To some people they turn their fun activities or hobbies into a money making machine (comedians, musicians, footballers, actors) . This doesn't mean it's easy, the fact is that **Whenever money gets involve, your hobby or fun activities becomes work".

So, your goal shouldn't be to rely on one particular skill, now is the time to put all the money you've made in the field to work for you. But don't do so blindly, to make good decisions you must make go research and ask a lot of questions so that your slaves won't die in the field or work in an unproductive field.


Money is defined as a medium of exchange that allows individuals and businesses to exchange values or obtain things they need to live or operate effectively.

The truth is that everybody wants money and many people are desperate to make money.
So, what's the best way to make money if not by Becoming Money. What I mean by this is that You Have To Become Something People Wants To Buy, like a Slave, just that you are the one selling yourself.

But you have to do it in a way you do not trap yourself in a box with no way out.
When I say Sell yourself, I am not encouraging prostitution, slavery or working for someone (modern day slavery).

Become Money by Creating Values, do not depend on others, do not blame others for your downfall.

Think And Grow Rich.

The Illusion of Value

In this post I'm only airing my views and I didn't provide any specific facts and so, who knows if their is any value or atom of truth in all I have written. But to some individuals who find this blog intriguing, it becomes an eye opener. They believe this blog is valuable.

Whether there is any Value in this blog or not what I'm trying to say is that sometimes Value is an Illusion.

You do not necessarily have to give people Value, all you have to do is to convince them, make them believe you're giving them value.
That is the strategy many people have used and even the Government are always using this strategy. It's like buying a mystery box and on opening it you found out there's nothing inside (it remains a mystery).


Money is valuable today because of the Value we placed on it. Anything can be money so don't let money define your value. Focus on improving yourself and your Value in every step you take. When you valuable (more valuable than money) you stop chasing money and money starts chasing you, you stop working for money and money starts working for you.

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Thanks for stopping by...
Thee Kachi
